Which brings me to the all-important question...(for the lads)

Winky said:
Now Now Inkster settle down. At the current rate of non-progress in commercial fusion advancements TG will be a grandmother before the first pilot power plant goes into the construction phase. But it would be so very bitchen to have all the electricity being produced by fusion and all the cars running on Hydrogen fuel cells, with the Hydrogen being made by electricity from the fusion plants. Ah I'll prolly have shuffled off this mortal coil and have been admitted to Prof's heaven by then. heh

Wink, the Europeans are already building a plant. Ink is right though, it'll be a long time before you could use it in something as small as a car.
Inkara1 said:
I'm calling "bullshit" on that one. Fusion is definitely not at the point where it can be used to power something small such as an automobile. It sure as hell isn't economical for that kind of use--or any--at this point in time. Can you name show me one fusion power plant in service in the world today?


Well admittedly I don't know too much about cars but I do know that for long time there has been the resources and the technology to manufacture cars that don't rely on gas. Like those cool hybrid cars or the hydrogen ones and I may not know too much about that but what I do know is that there has been a massive cover up against these sorts of developments reaching common knowledge. WHY have we not been given much of a chance to pick up on this? because the OIL industry is so huge that they want to make the most of it while it lasts...and so they, logically keep biding there time because they know that sooner or later - there will be know demand for Oil and it will go down DRAMATICALLY in price.

IF everyone listened to the scientists and not the idiots interested in filling their pockets and fooling the public - we'd probably all be driving - (or be pretty close to all ) - cars that are powered from a renewable energy source other than Gas. Its not hard to figure out why this isn't yet the case :shrug:

And (getting carried away here - but this is totally related) as for the supposed "oil crisis".... it is only a myth and really not much of a threat at all because the technology exists to power vehicles without the need for oil its only a matter of time before the switch is inevitable. However, the longer the corporations stretch out their trillion dollar industry the longer will there be a demand for oil and a wastage on fuel and minor demand and the longer idiots will find excuses to invade oil-rich countries to establish easy free-trade deals and buy up the oil economy . The stupid thing is - we really DO need oil for high-energy purposes and it is a non-renewable resource. The myth that exists as excuse to justify the rising fuel prices (And certain wars) is simply because because time is running out for the oil market - and more and more consumers are interested in cash-savvy and eco-friendly vehicles than dealing with forever rising prices and the very real ecological crisis that is the result of human accelerated climate-change.
Poor TG :(

In 2003, Bush proposed $1.2 billion over five years to further the development of technologies to produce hydrogen and store hydrogen energy. ...

... Bush administration is seeking $20 million — a 124 percent increase from FY05 ˆ for research and development on using nuclear power to co-generate hydrogen. ...

... billion more for foreign aid, $268 million more for coal research, $260 million more for hydrogen research, and ... Despite appeals from the Bush administration to ...

A Shell gas station in Washington, DC has a pump being billed as the fueling station of the future. It's a hydrogen-dispensing pump. ...
Actually, I've read some articles where people have achieved nuclear fusion both through the use of lasers and through "sonic compression" in laboratory conditions. Of course they still have to get it to last more than a few nanoseconds, but that's an R&D problem, not a physics one (I hope).
Gonz said:

Of course; Bush is poking his thumb in the pudding of the future...why wouldn't he? Every tycoon with an eye for the market does so. It is no secret anymore that alternative energy IS the energy industry of the future. For the meantime...(the 20 or so years it takes to develop) it is obviously more profitable to take advantage of the present situation.

It turns out quoting little things like that out of context really doesn't tell me anything; nor does it do you any favours.

That is, anything but teaching me to do the same in return.

Published on Tuesday, February 1, 2005 by Financial Times (UK)
Bush, Iraq and the hydrogen economy

by John Dizard

The source the government, energy industry, and the automotive industry has in mind is nuclear power. We are talking about literally thousands of new nuclear facilities dedicated to the production of hydrogen through fission powered electrolysis (the splitting of water into hydrogen and oxygen gas).

The hydrogen economy is really a nuclear economy. Investors and the rest of corporate America may not realise how close the country is to making a gigantic bet on a nuclear future. The scientists and engineers at the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory have been developing the advanced nuclear technologies that would power the hydrogen world.....

...Whatever your doubts about nuclear power, the hydrogen economy might at least be cheaper than occupying the Middle East indefinitely. Using a cost estimate of $1,200 per KW for the reactors, those 4,000 reactors would cost about $1,500bn.

The direct costs of the peacekeeping, if that's the term I'm looking for, in the Middle East, are about $100bn a year. Over 20 years, that's $2,000bn. Throw in the deferred military capital costs, not to mention the survivors' benefits, and nuclear powered hydrogen becomes quite competitive. The real hurdle with nukes is the capital cost. Maintenance, fuel and operation add up to less than 1 cent per kwh, and total energy content in a kilogramme of hydrogen or a gallon of gasoline is about 50 kwh, which would mean operating costs of about 50 cents a gallon....

....There would still be a couple of issues....

....Then we'd have to gather the helium that's used for heat transfer in the pebble bed reactors. There's a lot of helium in the universe; little of that is on our planet. The US produces a lot of helium, mostly in association with natural gas. The problem is helium reserves are running down and would be in decline by 2025. It might be necessary to go overseas to where new helium reserves have been discovered.

Where would some of those be? In Qatar, just across the Gulf from Iraq.

:D it even incorporates a bit of humour. You should try that, Gonz.

read the entire article,
I would not lose respect for a lady that was willing to have sex the first night, because there would probably be no respect for her in the first place. People have to earn respect in my eyes, and it would be hard to have much in only a few hours. I do know that it would not earn any respect in my eyes though.

Now to comment on this for a moment if I may,

Gonz said:
Respect you in the morning? Hell, I don't respect you now.

I do see how that statement could be offending to somebody, and yes that does look like he is digging to insult... that is if you actually take these boards seriously.

If it is any consolation, I don't respect Gonz. From what I have seen here, he seems very closed minded, arrogant, and immature. I do not claim to know him personally though. For all I know he may be someone that I would consider a friend if I did know him.

I respect few people on these forums. That is not to say I could not grow to respect you, or that if I knew you in person I still would not. I just have a hard time taking anything/anyone on these boards seriously.

I just come here for fun, that's all. The day I find my self getting insulted by what someone here says, or stop having fun is the day I never come back.

Good night all :)
K62 said:
I do see how that statement could be offending to somebody, and yes that does look like he is digging to insult... that is if you actually take these boards seriously.

If it is any consolation, I don't respect Gonz. From what I have seen here, he seems very closed minded, arrogant, and immature. I do not claim to know him personally though. For all I know he may be someone that I would consider a friend if I did know him.