Which LOTR character are you?

You are most like Gandalf
Gandalf is the astute wizard and guardian against the Dark Lord.

Appears as an old man with a wise face. Immensely long grey beard, and bushy eyebrows. He is dressed in grey robes throughout much of Lord of the Rings, but after his fall in Moria, he was dressed in shining white.
peterska2 said:

Luis, you cannot be like Gandalf.

I'm on the run from him as it is.

Pls tell me that you are not him coz I'll have to run again if you are.

I'm not like Gandalf, I am Gandalf ;) :D :nuts2:
You are most like Aragorn
Aragorn is a Man of the West and leader of the Rangers who guards the hobbits. His deeds on the battlefields are numerous. He possesses ruddy good looks, is tall with a noble appearance and long black hair, flecked with gray

You are most like Gandalf Gandalf is the astute wizard and guardian against the Dark Lord. Appears as an old man with a wise face. Immensely long grey beard, and bushy eyebrows. He is dressed in grey robes throughout much of Lord of the Rings, but after his fall in Moria, he was dressed in shining white.
Luis G said:
I'm not like Gandalf, I am Gandalf ;) :D :nuts2:

Please no.

Anything but Gandalf :(

Long story as to why - sorry
You are most like Wormtongue
Wormtongue is a man of Rohan who rose to become king Théoden's sole councillor. He is an agent of Saruman's and used his position to poison Théoden's mind with lies to weaking Rohan so that Saruman might take it over. He is a short, groveling man with a narrow face. He is a master of conversation and persuasion.

I don't know who the F that is. Not a big LOTR fan. My roommate calls his girlfriend "Lord of the Dorks" because she likes it so much though.

I do have a copy of the second movies trailer on 35mm projector film (though its burried in a garbage bag full of other trailers). A little keepsake from back in the say when I was in the movie industry (I sold tickets at a discount theater).

You are most like Saruman

Saruman is a wizard and the leader of the council of wizards. He has white hair and is rather like Gandalf in appearance. Saruman has become corrupted during his travels, and seeks the One Ring for his own power.
Well I was refering to someone else called Gandalf who also happens to be a mod on a site where I am not welcome.
peterska2 said:
You sure your not Gandalf on another board?

Yeah, i'm possitive, kinda non-sense to tell you I don't use any other username on boards if I wasn't sure. :p
You are most like Arwen
Arwen is an elf and the daughter of Elrond and Celebrian the most noble lineage of elves in Middle Earth. Arwen (the name means "Royal-Maiden") is supremely beautiful.