whisky + vodka = ...

Luis G

Staff member
puking on the trash can, the "flying bed", total drunkness, total headache, total thirst....

I need a beer
Orange juice, vitamin B12 and water. The coffee is a diuretic. Save it until after the alcohol induced dehydration slacks off. There's a B-complex that dissolves under the tongue and gets in the bloodstream fast. Only injection is faster and I don't recommend that.
Water, water, water, aspirin, vitamin C and Bs... and try to eat some dry toast to settle off the tummy.

...and slow down. You're starting to drink like a 26 y/o Mexican.
nothings works for a hang over like McDonalds coke...has to be mcdonalds, has to be coke from THEIR fountain! don't know what it is, but it's the cure all.....ONE of the most important things i learned from college!!!
Must be the bacteria feasting on the syrup inside the nozzle. Those are the dirtiest fountain machines I have ever seen.
tonksy said:
Must be the bacteria feasting on the syrup inside the nozzle. Those are the dirtiest fountain machines I have ever seen.

Heeeyyyyy,they get cleaned nightly(or at least they did).:p
a nice big diner-style breakfast is the best with a hangover. eggs bacon sausage toast pancakes oj water coffee.
I had a glass of milk, 2 quesadillas with chorizo and 2 hours of sleep. At least I don't feel drunk anymore.