Whitehouse doctors Mission Accomplished video

I prefer content over stage dressing.

In this battle

We're bringing order to parts of that country that remain dangerous.

Our mission continues.

The war on terror is not over;

The transition from dictatorship to democracy will take time, but it is worth every effort. Our coalition will stay until our work is done. Then we will leave, and we will leave behind a free Iraq.

Shhh! You're not supposed to tell anyone! Shhhh!! It's a
c o n s p i r a c y.....see how *con* is the first 3 letters of that word?? Shhh! Quiet! In case you've run out, tin foil 2-fer-1 sale at Wallyworld. Better stock up.


Don't you ever get tired of being on the losing side?

Because today is the fourth anniversary of the commander in chief landing aboard the USS ABRAHAM LINCOLN with the famous "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED" banner, the [sizes=4]enemies at home are going to attempt to use it for political purposes. I don't think I need to name the enemies at home. We all know them well. They are the ones who see defeat as politically beneficial to them and will do whatever they can to embolden the enemy and hurt our troops.[/size]

To get to the truth of the story, I phoned the media office of the 2nd Fleet in Norfolk, VA. The man who had the answers for me and graciously returned my call was Captain Conrad Chun.

"When something of such high level is planned, such as the landing of the commander in chief on the ship," said Chun, "there are several planning meetings. At one of the meetings was the idea for a banner that said MISSION ACCOMPLISHED." The mission in this case, was the mission of the USS ABRAHAM LINCOLN. The men and women aboard the nuclear-powered carrier accomplished their mission and stayed out for a record time -- 290 days. It was a very long cruise for them.

The banner specifically was designed to celebrate and memorialize the ship's successful deployment. According to Chun, they had no way to make the banner aboard the ship, so the White House was asked to have it made for them.

"There are still those who will doubt the story," said Chun, "but after speaking to those on the ship, I have no doubt that is how it happened."

On a side note, Godspeed to my former son in law Josh who is on the Nimitz now. Go, Navy!

In the vid, GW looks to be in a wider, shorter frame than the taller, narrow frame of the still pic that shows the banner.

But, does it really matter, since the banner was meant for the mission the aircraft carrier had finished?


Shhh! You're not supposed to tell anyone! Shhhh!! It's a
c o n s p i r a c y.....see how *con* is the first 3 letters of that word?? Shhh! Quiet! In case you've run out, tin foil 2-fer-1 sale at Wallyworld. Better stock up.


Don't you ever get tired of being on the losing side?

In the vid, GW looks to be in a wider, shorter frame than the taller, narrow frame of the still pic that shows the banner.

But, does it really matter, since the banner was meant for the mission the aircraft carrier had finished?

Losing side? I haven't seen you make a compelling argument on these forums yet.

As Gonz said it's probably PR. Or in other words, editing out an embarassment.

On the losing team?

On the wrong side of history?

You've taken ill with the Bush Derangement Syndrome?

You've got the Seditious Nervous Prostrations?

The banner was meant for the mission the aircraft carrier had finished---is it that hard to accept?

On the losing team?

On the wrong side of history?

Well in that case you're certainly on that side.

The banner was meant for the mission the aircraft carrier had finished---is it that hard to accept?

I don't recall discussing what the banner the White House made was meant for. Care to point it out or are you just going to fail again?
I realize you were too busy trying to spin this non-story into criticism of the President, so I can see how you overlooked the link in post #5.


030502-N-9214D-002 Naval Air Station North Island, San Diego, Calif. (May 2, 2003) -- Sailors aboard USS Abraham Lincoln (CVN-72) man the rails as the ship pulls into NAS North Island to a cheering crowd of family and friends during their port visit to off-load the ship’s Air Wing. Lincoln and her embarked Carrier Air Wing Fourteen (CVW-14) are returning from a 10-month deployment to the Arabian Gulf in support of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom. Operation Iraqi Freedom is the multi-national coalition effort to liberate the Iraqi people, eliminate Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction, and end the regime of Saddam Hussein.
U.S. Navy photo by Photographer's Mate 3rd Class Juan E. Diaz.

The carrier had just finished an extended 10 month tour of duty and was destined for port. The "mission accomplished" banner was for the ship.
If you'll take a closer look at the above pic, the ship is displaying the banner as is heading for dock. The USS Abraham Lincoln's "Mission" had been "Accomplished." I know that may be a little too much for you, but it doesn't mean anything more that what it means.
I don't recall discussing what the banner the White House made was meant for. Care to point it out or are you just going to fail again?

I guess you answered that one. You continue to try to contradict a point I did not make. Understand?

The topic had to do with whether the video was doctored not what the banner the White House made was meant for.
No, your topic was yet another attempt at Bush-bashing.

Why can't you just be up front about your hatred instead of trying to couch it in
foolish exertions that never, ever, ever turn out to have any substance?

If libs didn't try to turn the banner into something it wasn't meant to be, would how the video looked even be an issue?
trying to couch it in
foolish exertions that never, ever, ever turn out to have any substance?

Mind pointing out a couple these "exertions" that don't have substance? All I ever see from you is excuses that don't have substance. Like for instance this thread were you couldn't stop arguing against a point that wasn't made.

Funny how you accuse me of Bush-bashing and hatred when you so often engage in liberal bashing and hatred. That's one of those pot/kettle things. :laugh:
you're obviously on the winning side! you know, the one that accomplished the mission! way to go!!!!!

It's always good to read the witty repartee of our esteemed members, especially when they really put their brain to work & add to the conversation so.
Mind pointing out a couple these "exertions" that don't have substance?

Your accusations that the Bush Administration engage in some nefarious or shady or criminal or irresponsible or rediculous behavior have no purpose other than to display your contempt for them.






All I ever see from you is excuses that don't have substance. Like for instance this thread were you couldn't stop arguing against a point that wasn't made.

Ha! The whole Reason for this thread was "Like, the banner said *mission accomplished* man, but we're still losing american lives for bush's war, man. Dude, and now the wh is feeling so much heat that they've edited out the banner for a photo cos, like, they know they're wrong, man."

As I said:
If libs didn't try to turn the banner into something it wasn't meant to be, would how the video looked even be an issue?

No it wouldn't, and some dweeby Sherlock leftist wouldn't think that he had found a major conspiracy and uploaded the whole thing to utube.

Silly lib, tricks are for kids.

Funny how you accuse me of Bush-bashing and hatred when you so often engage in liberal bashing and hatred. That's one of those pot/kettle things. :laugh:

Not really, rocket.

The difference being that you are vilifying and maligning the President of your country.
Well, I voted for the man, but I do have contempt ATM.
His immigration, and trade policies are just screwed.
I'm pretty pissed that he's pulling border agents to send over seas.

Is any of the Guard still down there.

It seems to me he's saying like..."I'll show them, I'll diminish the border security,
since the people won't go for my plan.:grumpy:

IMO the scurity in the country IS actually worse since 9/11.
Well, I voted for the man, but I do have contempt ATM.
His immigration, and trade policies are just screwed.
I'm pretty pissed that he's pulling border agents to send over seas.

Is any of the Guard still down there.

It seems to me he's saying like..."I'll show them, I'll diminish the border security,
since the people won't go for my plan.:grumpy:

IMO the scurity in the country IS actually worse since 9/11.

Build it and they won't come (Where's the Fence ad) http://youtube.com/watch?v=reQZhfmZoWk&mode=related&search=

Re the recently defeated immigration compromise bill:

Those who brought the bill down credited the American people.

“The message is crystal clear,'' said Sen. David Vitter, R-La., one of the strongest opponents of the bill. “The American people want us to start with enforcement, both at the border and in the workplace.''

“It appears that even the deaf ears in the United States Senate were able to hear the roar of outrage from the American people about the pro-immigrant invasion bill they were trying to foist on us,'' said Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, R-Huntington Beach. “The only hope we had was that the American people would hold their elected officials accountable and that worked.” http://www.ocregister.com/ocregister/homepage/abox/article_1747498.php

Spurred into activism by talk-radio Usrey and tens of thousands others like her in small towns all across the U.S. “bombarded their senators with phone calls and e-mails decrying the bill as an unacceptable amnesty for the nation’s estimated 12 million illegal immigrants,” says the WaPo. And they didn’t let up till they got results....http://politicalmavens.com/index.php/2007/07/03/small-towns-v-illegal-aliens/
Your accusations that the Bush Administration engage in some nefarious or shady or criminal or irresponsible or rediculous behavior have no purpose other than to display your contempt for them.

Maybe the purpose is to point out their criminal, irresponsible, or nefarious behavior. What purpose does you looking the other way serve except to encourage this type of behavior?

I love your examples. Linking back to this thread was nice and assuming "Suitcase aren't real" as a slam on the administration takes some really high level paranoia.

Ha! The whole Reason for this thread was "Like, the banner said *mission accomplished* man, but we're still losing american lives for bush's war, man. Dude, and now the wh is feeling so much heat that they've edited out the banner for a photo cos, like, they know they're wrong, man."

Go ahead and quote where I said anything similar. I'm starting to think you're hallucinating. :laugh:

As I said:
If libs didn't try to turn the banner into something it wasn't meant to be, would how the video looked even be an issue?

No it wouldn't, and some dweeby Sherlock leftist wouldn't think that he had found a major conspiracy and uploaded the whole thing to utube.

Silly lib, tricks are for kids.

Actually the silly cons tried to turn the banner into something. So why would the White House edit it out?

The difference being that you are vilifying and maligning the President of your country.

Of course we should always turn a blind eye to any unseemly behavior the president conducts if we really want fascism to work. I'm sure that's what you did when Clinton was pres. :rofl: