Who do these guys think they are to tax American citizens?


Well-Known Member
They aren't even a country, elected body, or government. You cannot find them on a map yet they think they are a legitimate taxing authority for activities which don't even fall within their purview.


World Health Organization Moving Ahead on Billions in Internet and Other Taxes

By George Russell

- FOXNews.com

The World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations' public health arm, is moving full speed ahead with a controversial plan to impose global consumer taxes on such things as Internet activity and everyday financial transactions like paying bills online — while its spending soars and its own financial house is in disarray.

The aim of its taxing plans is to raise "tens of billions" of dollars for WHO that would be used to radically reorganize the research, development, production and distribution of medicines around the world, with greater emphasis on drugs for communicable diseases in poor countries.

The irony is that the WHO push to take a huge bite out of global consumers comes as the organization is having a management crisis of its own, juggling finances, failing to use its current resources efficiently, or keep its costs under control — and it doesn't expect to show positive results in managing those challenges until a year from now, at the earliest.

Fox News initially reported last January on the "suite of proposals" for "new and innovative sources of funding," prepared by a 25-member panel of medical experts, academics and health care bureaucrats, when it was presented of a meeting of WHO's 34-member Executive Board in Geneva.

Now the proposals are headed for the four-day annual meeting of the 193-member World Health Assembly, WHO's chief legislative organ, which begins in Geneva on May 17.

The Health Assembly, a medical version of the United Nations General Assembly, will be invited to "take note" of the experts' report. It will then head back with that passive endorsement to another Executive Board meeting, which begins May 22, for further action. It is the Executive Board that will "give effect" to the Assembly's decisions.

What it all means is that a major lobbying effort could soon be underway to convince rich governments in particular to begin taxing citizens or industries to finance a drastic restructuring of medical research and development on behalf of poorer ones.

The scheme would leave WHO in the middle, helping to manage a "global health research and innovation coordination and funding mechanism," as the experts' report calls it.

In effect, the plan amounts to a pharmaceutical version of the U.N.-sponsored climate-change deal that failed to win global approval at Copenhagen last December. If implemented as the experts suggest, it could easily involve the same kind of wealth transfers as the failed Copenhagen summit, which will send $30 billion a year to poor nations, starting this year.

The WHO strategy involves a wide variety of actions to transfer "pharmaceutical-related technology," and its production, along with intellectual property rights, to developing countries, according to a condensed "global strategy and plan of action" also being presented to the World Health Assembly.

Regional "networks for innovation" would be cultivated across the developing world, and some regions, such as Africa, would be encouraged to develop technology to exploit "traditional medicines."

According to the condensed plan of action being presented to the Assembly, a number of those initiatives are already well under way.

Click here to read the plan of action.

it's obvious that this "digital tax" is gonna go nowhere... gonz's favorite phrase "overstepping their authority" really fits here.
Hasn't stopped the others now has it?

RM? No, I've been reading my gun owners manual though...
oh, he'd talked about getting an AR-type carbine, and the twist rate matters for ammo selection.

IIRC there is no bore twist rate on rifled slugs. they're fired from a smooth bore. it's the slug that has the twists on it. rifled shotgun barrels are used for firing saboted slugs.
you brought a shotgun to a firefight?

all the other kids will laugh at you when you show up
with a shotgun at your friendly neighborhood
civilly disobedient armed insurrection.
I’m thinking the five 30 round mags I have
for the AR might come in handy to my compatriots
if I’m killed or wounded before I can use them all.
Still trying to piece together spare cash minx...

Look Encanto boy, I'll keep my 18.5" 12 gauge. Kill the bad guy & never have to patch holes in the other walls.
These guys have the right to enslave all American citizens!

I’m unsure whether I’d want to own a registered assault rifle
wouldn’t want my name ending up on one of Janet Napolitano’s
White right wing Christian militia terrorist organization
watch lists. Ya see we don’t need no steenkin’ gun registration
or even a CCW to carry concealed out here in the
wild wild West!

Now if I could just figger out how to stuff my AR-15 down my pants
without walking funny I’d be set.
IN has a shall-issue lifetime CCW. I hate asking my government for permission to carry a weapon but since we can't even take it off our property without it, I did. Of course, we don't need to register them, so none or a militia's wetdream...tis none of their business.
I didn't know that, you can't have a weapon with out
a CCW? They are registering you and not the gun?

Ya gotta gimme a break here, remember I live in Encantoland.
in some places they probably register both, but here, it's the person. my friend has a CPL (concealed pistol license) but has no pistol. he'll buy one at some point, though. i have a pistol purchased from a private party :thumbup: (legal here) but no CPL, for now, though I will get one soon just to qualify for certain training courses... i'll never carry, unless there's rioting or some shit...
I didn't know that, you can't have a weapon with out
a CCW? They are registering you and not the gun?

Ya gotta gimme a break here, remember I live in Encantoland.

You can buy a weapon & take it home (or to the office). In order to leave your property, you must have some form of permit.