Who needs a front door


molṑn labé
Staff member
when the backdoor is wide open

The Environmental Protection Agency said greenhouse gases are a danger to public health and welfare in a decision that could eventually lead to new emissions regulations.

The so-called "endangerment finding" announced Monday by EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson is necessary to move ahead on new emission standards for cars, while potentially opening up large emitters such as power plants, crude-oil refineries and chemical plants to limits on their output of carbon dioxide and other gases.

Stop breathing. I hope the eco-terrorists are happy. Not only will they limit our economic future, they're gonna kill the plants.


Next up...gun control via OSHA.
You've never lived in a town that has a has refineries. The incidence of cancer rises dramatically as well as other serious ailments such as adult asthma.
Coal-fired plants shoot out more than just CO2, Gonz.. it's about time that those and oil0fired power-plants got replaced with hydro and nuclear. Never mind global warming, the smoke alone should've been enough decades ago.
The EPA is overstepping its authority & nobody cares...because it's good for the children?
it's about time that those and oil0fired power-plants got replaced with hydro and nuclear.

Good luck trying to build either here in the U.S. The econuts are tearing down dams in the name of preserving species of little or no significance. The China Syndrome killed all nuke construction here. The idiots in power took that fantasy as reality and that was the end of nuke power.
What lights? They've been outlawed by the Copenhagen carbon treaty.
Gimme all your money

No no no not outlawed
just taxed to the point where
they are just a faint flickering glow.
mere dying embers
Kinda like my woodburner that means my natural gas heater is needed less than 10 hours a day...glow embers glow
The EPA is overstepping its authority & nobody cares...because it's good for the children?
Agreed that too much government is never a good thing, but the refineries and coal burning plants did this to themselves. They bought decades by paying off politicians to "grandfather" them out of new regulations and never put money into upgrading their plants to capture their and clean their output. All they did was cause the opposition to turn up the heat from their side (no pun intended) and push for more regulation. Had these companies looked to the future and spent a little of the profit on refitting they would have been ahead of the game. Now it's too late (unless they can put more politicians in their pockets).
Have you been outside in the last 30 years?

We are no longer the same people who caught a river on fire. Haven't been since the 70's. We have some of the cleanest production facilities in the world.

Hong Kong looks like 1968 Los Angeles.
Have you been outside in the last 30 years?

We are no longer the same people who caught a river on fire. Haven't been since the 70's. We have some of the cleanest production facilities in the world.

Hong Kong looks like 1968 Los Angeles.
Can't argue about Hong Kong because I agree. China is one of the biggest polluters and wants to pretend they are exempt from the same pollution restrictions as such countries as France, Germany, Canada, GB and the US. No one should be exempt. If they are, then we have to admit that only whitey gets to have clean air, water and land, and that our global attempts are futile.