Who or What...

the original question said:
...would you like to be stranded on a desert island with ?

OK, so it's cheating

I'd want my girlfriend with me... watch the sun going down on a deserted island... *sigh*

Oh, btw, she'll probably have her cellphone and other stuff with her anyways, you know women and their purses :D
A special girl. No need for anything else. Even food.
[Morrisey voice]to die by your side, such a heavenly way to die![/Morrisey voice]
Hmmm...I can't decide. I've known Greenfreak the longest...and she has red hair ;)...Leslie is a lovely Canadian lass, but she's also married...Scanty is a bit too young for me...As is Nixy...I'll have to think on this and decide later... :brow: