Who put the "POT" in "PoTUS"


Well-Known Member

It's high time the states enforced their laws regarding the use of medical marijuana!

But why not change the actual Controlled Substances Act instead of opting to look the other way?

Is it correct for a president to be able to unilaterally force the federal government to ignore a law?

The Obama administration will not seek to arrest medical marijuana users and suppliers as long as they conform to state laws, under new policy guidelines to be sent to federal prosecutors Monday.

However, it does open the door wide to the concept known as "state nullification" doesn't it? After this, can they cherrypick the laws they want to enforce and not enforce? :brow:
This is a good move. We initially had a very state-oriented government, which transformed into a very federalist government over the centuries.

Remember in the 80s, when they took away the state's rights in reference to the drinking age?

This is a step in the right direction - these laws are not within the federal government's responsibility, and should be left to individual states. This is correcting a problem, not making it worse.
My stance on this may surprise some, but I agree, legalize it. But, before you do, enact and enforce tests for public impairedness. If someone is hammered drunk walking the streets, there's established law for him to be picked up. Driving ...same. Let's see similar standards and tests for each drug before they're legalized. In fact, I'd love to see the blood alcohol tests done away with in favour of more empirical testing. After all, if someone can't walk a straight line sober, should they really be driving? Should they even be allowed to attempt to cross public streets? Call them a hazard to their own safety, if you will. Stoned in your own home, on your own money? Knock yourself out, pothead.

But ... no more welfare cash to pay for it.