Who voted today?!?!

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    Votes: 12 100.0%
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Sure thing. In all probability my streak will be 0-4 for Governor, Lt Gov, blabla... I have a 7-1 rate for house rep., though.
twice here & once in California. I was gonna vote in FL but couldn't figure out the touch screen. :retard:
Voted for Jeb... dammit.

I heard one of his damn ads touting his support for a prescription drug benefit the other day, and just wanted to puke my guts out. What's wrong with Republicans? Are they just cynical, or are they really that stupid?
unclehobart said:
Thats a little tough to pull off being that hes in Canada, Flav-o-flav.

Good to hear. With all the interest in U.S. politics I assumed he was a contender.
flavio said:
unclehobart said:
Thats a little tough to pull off being that hes in Canada, Flav-o-flav.

Good to hear. With all the interest in U.S. politics I assumed he was a contender.
Yeah its probably for the best if all votes aren't counted eh?
Carville must have forgotten to vote

I was laughing so hard when my dad called me to show the guy with the trash can over his head.... :rofl2: