Who wants good anyway???? Dramatized media suits me just fine.


Well-Known Member
...Ofcourse that is an asnine question to begin with but the thread started by Gato_Solo got me thinking...why is evil so much more popular than good in the present day news or news all together from any year of any decade? Do we love oggling at the degeneration of society as a whole or do we watch these perverse people to realize how, we, are so much better than those morons? Why are the small achievements of so many hard working people overshadowed by the latest evil doings of your everyday, token, dictator? In the thread there is a mention of a young man who is a patient who sufferes from severe case of asthama, but recently through his love of music he has vastly imrpoved his health....amazing right????...so where are the huzzahs and the ever needed kudos for this man being trailed all over the news headlines????

This is how i see it.

No offense to the guy and his achievements but bad news overshadows the good news because the bad news is what effects us more, it concerns matters which could very well dictate our lives or dictate great decisions effecting our lives in the future. Yes we do not need to hear about every other murder but this is done, in part, for the innocent civilians safety.

The less than enthusiastic tidings of our government and the ever declining stance of US or humanity in general around the world is overbearing the news these days...infact that has been prevalent since I can remember but I, speaking for myself, would rather know of the happenings concerning these matters rather than every good deed that was done today. It is unfortunate that hard work and dedication is overlooked in favor of disease, wrong doings and economic and political diasters but i would rather be made known of those wrong doings in anyday to give me a heads up in any way to protect me and my investments.

Unfortunetly enough these misfortunes are galmorized more for sensation, public outcry in the promoters favor and profits rather than the good that can come out of letting the citizens know of the existence of such acts undertaken. As always profits and propaganda rule the day in the news world rather than integrity but that is a drum that has been beaten far too often and it's melody has nummbed the ears of all those who choose to listen to its beat.

That said good for the young man and his accomplishments. Even though all news, good or bad, is used by someone for their cause to promote their efforts....be those efforts "Good or bad" for the cause that is ultimetly "Good or bad"....like beauty, good and evil are in the eye of the beholder, as frightening that thought may be.
I think it mostly boils down to one human characteristic:
schadenfreude (shädn-froid)
n. Pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others. :devil:
Ms Ann Thrope said:
I think it mostly boils down to one human characteristic:
schadenfreude (shädn-froid)
n. Pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others. :devil:

Surely this is not a charcateristic of every viewer who tunes into any news of any sort or reads a newspaper.
Every viewer, no. But who pays the bills? Sponsors. What do they want? HIGH numbers. Do nice stories bring high numbers? No.

An old axion-If it bleeds, it leads.
no but they are going for ratings and its what most do but that can sometimes be generalised to "all"(with so few exceptions). personally id like to see some good news for once
I watch news for the stock reports. :rofl4:
Seriously though I do wish I had the capital to be able to trade,
but since I don't it's pretty boring to me.
It seems like fox has been giving it a lot more air time lately.
greenfreak said:
Seeing other people's misfortune makes us feel better about our own lives. :shrug:

personally thats why I only befriend people with mental problems, cancer or who are too poor to afford working plumbing. Always makes me feel like Ive got it all going on!
Thulsa Doom said:
personally thats why I only befriend people with mental problems, cancer or who are too poor to afford working plumbing. Always makes me feel like Ive got it all going on!

Kudos to you......befriend those who raise your self esteem through their poor conditions....we should all do that.
Ms Ann Thrope said:
I think it mostly boils down to one human characteristic:
schadenfreude (shädn-froid)
n. Pleasure derived from the misfortunes of others. :devil:

Reminds me of the pronounciation of Sang-Froid in french...basically cold blood. Heartless and emotionless.

I would think that this falls into the same box as rubbernecking. We, as human beings, seek out the bad or evil in others in order to make ouselves seem more superior or luckier.

Looking at a car crash and craning our necks hoping to see a bloody trail or a weeping victim, or walking towards a local fire to see the walls coming down and the furniture turning black is a human failing. It's our open wound and our weakest spot.
Lo and behold, TV people know this and use it.