who would you say is your best friend here?

Justintime said:
Well its basically this, my friends sister got drugged last night at a pub, likely E, and got raped, i'm going nuts here with rage, i just wanna KILL someone.

kill the guy who did it to her he deserves it and you and your friend have every right to be pissed

flurffmeister said:
This is a fine time to have this kind of thread. I salute you, freako, for having the balls to call people on who they regard as their friend here, especially with it all being up in the air since the war forum started.

Unfortunately, I'm smarter than that and I'll choose not to take the bait. I hope some other people will too.

thanks fury but it isnt bait its a way to show who you consider your best friedns on here i consider everyone on here my friend the ones who were banned im not too fond of but other than that your all friends
:alienhuh: I don't think I have any friends (or best friends here) atleast ^_^ Quite a lot of fun people I interact with a lot, but no best friends :alienhuh:
lacey, freako, vortex, kuu, na, q, jerrek

even if i don't talk to them our interract with them in any manner outside of this board, i still really enjoy them :)
I was thinking the same thing Spot. I think it would be really similar to that one, considering you would probably only want to room with the people you get along with best, you know? :)
While I don't have any major problems with anyone here an in fact would mention most of you as friends, I have closer talkings with greenfreak and Luis G
halamikage said:
Ku'u and Na....man, I need more friends...

Perhaps if you could keep Ku'u from her felonious nature, you could post more and become more *ahem* intimate with the other folks here... ;)
I consider All 'ere as friends. Even when, sometimes a 'friend' 'as to say things which are 'necessarily' uncomfortable.

But, 'specially I like to remember fond thoughts of freako, Greenie, hex, Neo....uh, er Sam Curry, the Flurff, 'cause he seems more fiendly than that Fury character:D , Gonz, Ashr an' ofcourse the late great Wine 4 All.........who forever lives on in my memory..........an' my house.......actually I live in HIS house, (inside joke).....:D :headbang: