(Whoevers) Response

well i didn't listen to bush's blather. because it's worthless. however i did download and review petraus' (sp?) speech and the supporting slide show. jeeez we'd be much better off with him as prez. at least he can form a coherent argument and interpret data in some kinda meaningful manner, rather than just spout what his handlers tell him to....
Hey you guys, I bet old Rupert would make me rich with that new accidentally made up slogan?

Fox News: Where The Truth Lies!

Awesome, well I am off to go make my fortune, see ya suckahs!
Honestly I wouldn't be so impressed with that line if I had brainstormed for it it was actaully a total accident!

From stupid response to Fox News? Talk about a new OTC milestone leap.

started it!
Look, dumbass,

Unprovoked personal attack, give yourself a citation for that hypocrite.

I didn't say a word about the content. I bitched about the childish need for an immediate retort to a Presidential speech on national TV.

Oh no, we wouldn't need someone to pose a contrasting view to make people think before drinking the Kool Aid.

There is no need for any party to issue an immediate response to any speech by any President, using the same airtime.

I think it's great to get all views even when the pres is a Dem. The more informed the public is the better.
Your passive agressive posts are provocation.

I think it's great
You would.

There is plenty of time to get educated. Let the speech sink in, reflect upon its material, disseminate the information before starting the attack. From either side.
Your passive agressive posts are provocation.

Go ahead and point out the provocation right away please.

There is plenty of time to get educated. Let the speech sink in, reflect upon its material, disseminate the information before starting the attack. From either side.

Hell there's plenty of time to get educated, let both things you heard sink in, reflect, and disseminate. More information is good.
That must of been one hell of a long piss if you missed Bush's whole speech.

Drinking heavily that night?