why a "regular joe" should NEVER be president

More Liberal violence over the success of a Conservative.

More Liberal violence over the success of a Conservative.


Man Shoots TV Over Bristol Palin Dancing
Suspect surrendered after 15-hour standoff with Wisconsin cops

NOVEMBER 17--Like most Americans, Steven Cowan has been perplexed by Bristol Palin’s curious ability to keep advancing in TV’s "Dancing with the Stars" competition.

However, unlike other viewers, Cowan, 67, allegedly became so enraged by Palin’s success that he actually fired a shotgun round into his television, triggering a 15-hour standoff with Wisconsin cops.

According to a criminal complaint, Cowan’s wife called police Monday evening to report that her husband had blasted the TV and was threatening to kill himself. Cowan, who had been drinking, became angry while watching Palin, 20, perform on the ABC program.

As Palin, pictured at left, was dancing, Cowan “jumped up and swore, saying something to the effect of, ‘The fucking politics.’ Steven was upset that a political figure’s daughter was dancing on this particular show when Steven did not think that she was a good dancer,” the complaint notes. Cowan is pictured in the above mug shot.

Janice Cowan told Dane County Sheriff's Office deputies that she called 911 after her husband blasted the TV and then pointed the shotgun at her. She added that Cowan warned her that he would kill himself if she brought anyone back to their home in the town of Vermont.

After a lengthy standoff with cops, Cowan surrendered yesterday at 11 AM. He is facing disorderly conduct and weapons charges.

He was sitting in the Dane County jail last night when Palin landed a spot in the “Dancing with the Stars” finals. However, a sheriff’s spokesperson told TSG that Cowan “currently does not have access to television.”
simply the fact that the palins have become reality TV whores says a lot. perhaps we should let the audience of the jerry springer show choose our next president.
Well, you were amongst those that chose the last one.

And you want to dis the Springer audience??
yeah voting for the guy with policies that i don't agree with doesn't seem quite so bad when the alternative is a parrot who thought africa was a country.
I refudiate your mischaracterization of me. Darling.

yeah al sharpton, i don't like her, so i must hate 'em all!!! maybe you should sue me!

hey, i don't like pelosi either!



women like palin disgust me. i don't like empty vessels. sorry. i prefer that the women i date be able think for themselves, and hand my ass to me in a discussion if i'm getting silly. that's why i typically date engineers, programmers, MBAs (a few of them have working, non-fascist brains) and other advanced degree holders. cheerleaders suck. get it yet?
that guy's just an idiot. to me he's in the same camp as palin. his statements are laden with foolish assumptions and he doesn't connect anything coherently. yeah, yeah, more people are going to die in heat waves that croaked on 9/11. it's gonna be 'real big.' then nukes will fly. yes, fear. it works on you, why wouldn't work on college kids? oh, right, the guy's not very slick. watch out man abdullah gonna come pop a cap in your bum er blow yer shit up. including your large television... god forbid.
women like palin disgust me. i don't like empty vessels. sorry. i prefer that the women i date be able think for themselves,

Most, and I do mean most, college educated wimmins think like their profeesors taught them to think. Same with HS educated & less than HS educated.

Most people are sheep, with or without the skin.
Most, and I do mean most, college educated wimmins think like their profeesors taught them to think. Same with HS educated & less than HS educated.

well, this is where it becomes obvious that you never went to university. one goes there to learn how to think, how to assess things critically, rather than to be taught what to think. i have very little ideologically in common with my former professors.
Then you are the exception to prove the rule. When I took my classes, independent thought was frowned upon (though they tried to say that wasn't the case)
oh come on...
Everyone knows you can't learn unless you have a teacher/professor.
You quit learning when you leave school.:cocktail:
Then you are the exception to prove the rule. When I took my classes, independent thought was frowned upon (though they tried to say that wasn't the case)

well there certainly are a number of dipshit instructors in undergrad, but you quickly realize that they are dipshits. grad school is different. seven person seminar classes where everybody pipes up. i remember thinking in high school, though, that a couple history teachers were pussy communists! those were the good old days when i was more under the influence of dad... a goldwater-loving conservative. (you'd be surprised, gonz, if we compared issue to issue, how much we would really agree on.)

it's funny though, among my group of friends, i really don't know anybody who was ideologically molded by the experience in any negative ways. even those who didn't go to grad school. but, then, i don't hang out with idiots.
oh come on...
Everyone knows you can't learn unless you have a teacher/professor.
You quit learning when you leave school.:cocktail:

point taken. some of the best shit i ever learned came from a sixty year-old guy that i worked with on a lawn crew one summer. he had been a glass worker, but got laid off, so his kid that owned the lawn business gave him a job. i drove around with uncle bob in a shitty old pickup for a few months. we were on the weeding and plant-planting crew, only because they needed someone (me) to drive that particular truck - many of them had suspended/revoked licenses. so 'uncle bob' and i pulled weeds and chatted. and now i'll leave you with a charming uncle bob quote...

"what was lennon doing with yoko ono? ugly... no tits, no ass... what the fuck?"