Why am I not surprised


molṑn labé
Staff member
Europe, headed by France...who else?:rolleyes:

BRUSSELS, Belgium - European publishers warned Tuesday that they cannot keep allowing Internet search engines such as Google Inc. to make money from their content. "The new models of Google and others reverse the traditional permission-based copyright model of content trading that we have built up over the years," said Francisco Pinto Balsemao, the head of the European Publishers Council, in prepared remarks for a speech at a Brussels conference.

His stance backs French news agency AFP, which is suing Google for pulling together photos and story excerpts from thousands of news Web sites.

How is it that France can sue a US company?

Erm... I guess this is going to get me a very technical three page discussion/debate about law...
Altron said:
Erm... I guess this is going to get me a very technical three page discussion/debate about law...

That would be the other forum, In here we just point & laugh (unless Prof is a mood)
But seriously, can't the US just tell France to fuck off and deal with French companies? The only country that has legal power over Google is the good ol' US of A.
No, the actual photos/books/resources that Gogle is making available belong to French entities. The French would say that they're safeguarding French intellectual rights, and that gives them all they need to sue - in French courts.

The term for this is "nexus", and there are many different legal standards that have to bemet to acheive nexus. Under the laws of France, they may have it here.

Google has the option of not doing business in France or linking to any French material, but how realistic is that from a business perspective?
HomeLAN said:
No, the actual photos/books/resources that Gogle is making available belong to French entities. The French would say that they're safeguarding French intellectual rights, and that gives them all they need to sue - in French courts.

The term for this is "nexus", and there are many different legal standards that have to bemet to acheive nexus. Under the laws of France, they may have it here.

Google has the option of not doing business in France or linking to any French material, but how realistic is that from a business perspective?

Very. I can even see some benefit to turning France into an intellectual backwater...oops...too late. :D
Altron said:
Let's excommunicate France from the world.
[cheesy fake french accent]I fart in your general direction.[/cheesy fake french accent]
Psst... watch out for cows.