why are we going to war?

Or it could just be that Americans are a bunch of gun happy cowboys looking for someone to shoot at? Afganistan on whet your appetite for blood and gore? Got a bloody nose on 9/11 and you're looking for someone to take out your temper at?

Not mine, folks. That's what I got when I asked my neighbour this question. He's a quebec separatist, btw.
Professur said:
could just be that Americans are a bunch of gun happy cowboys looking for someone to shoot at? Got a bloody nose on 9/11 and you're looking for someone to take out your temper at?


Jerrek said:
So you're saying we're going to spend billions of dollars to get oil, when we can get it for cheaper by buying them out?

no but to me its reminiscent of the first Desert Storm. we helped Kuwait and started a trade with them for their oil.

Jerrek said:
Even Saddam agrees with you. It is all about oil!

i give a shit. really i do.i said what i did based on americas past. hes jsut an asshole. :rolleyes: id expect this from you ;)

and lets not forget George Carlin. The bigger dick foreign policy. WHAT THEY HAVE BIGGER DICKS!!??!! BOMB THEM!!!!!!!!!! and the bombs bullets and rockets are all shaped like dicks.

Professur said:
I think it's a power issue

it is and i think thats something none of us thought of before you said it prof. i didnt use the rest of the quote i know but as pt said your closer to the truth than the rest of us.
Professur said:
Or it could just be that Americans are a bunch of gun happy cowboys looking for someone to shoot at? Afganistan on whet your appetite for blood and gore? Got a bloody nose on 9/11 and you're looking for someone to take out your temper at?

Or could it be that the above is one of the most narrow-minded opinions expressed in writing this decade?
It's not just about oil. It's not just about power. It's not just about civil rights. It's not just about religion. It's not just about economics. It's not about just political stability.

It's about all of them. It's about being open minded and seeing the situation for what it truly is. It's about having the guts to call a spade a spade, recognize that it will seriously screw the future for all of us, and also having the guts to be the one to do something about it.

It's about doing the right thing.
outside looking in said:
It's about all of them. It's about being open minded and seeing the situation for what it truly is. It's about having the guts to call a spade a spade, recognize that it will seriously screw the future for all of us, and also having the guts to be the one to do something about it.

I like Gato's anaology earlier about poking a stick in a hornets nest. I think military action could not only get a lot of our guys kiled but could just prove to destabilize the whole area and drum up a heap of resentment towards the US.

It could actually be a CAUSE of WMD's being detonated in the US instead of a prevention.

That's why if we're going to do this it should at least be a UN sanctioned event.
What's the difference between the UN and a large coilition? If we don't go through the UN it'll be because some of the larger more wealthy and powerful nations hold the keys in their veto power. Should they have the right to stop us from doing what is right just because they have that veto power? It's not just a few nations that agree with the US stance but dozens. I say it makes no difference wheter it's the UN or a broad coilition of free thinking nations. After all the UN is in itself mearly a coilition of nations.
How many of those 'supporting' nations are having their arms twisted to be supporting?....Look at the list.
Hex. I hope you realize I am in support of resolving the Iraq thing. I just hope to make you (and others) understand that our govrnment manipulates us, too. And when there are lives in the balance, its a poor time for trust and blind faith...
flavio said:
It could actually be a CAUSE of WMD's being detonated in the US instead of a prevention.

THIS, and similar things is why I get so nuts. The bad guy may retaliate so let's do nothing to provoke him & all will be fine. flavio, you know I love & respect you but please, oh please, step away from the Jimmy Carter ALL WILL BE OKAY juice. It's precisely things like this that makes us end up with war. When the good are too scared to act the evil will prevail.

Squiggy said:
I just hope to make you (and others) understand that our govrnment manipulates us, too

Hell yea. One thing to consider about this particular case. It's not one president with a stick up his ass. It's 3-Bush I, Slick Willie & Dubya have all read things we peons will never know. That's why it's urgent to resolve this now, so we don't have to pass it along to another (president, generation, military commander, etc).

Trust but verify.
Gonz said:
THIS, and similar things is why I get so nuts. The bad guy may retaliate so let's do nothing to provoke him & all will be fine. flavio, you know I love & respect you but please, oh please, step away from the Jimmy Carter ALL WILL BE OKAY juice. It's precisely things like this that makes us end up with war. When the good are too scared to act the evil will prevail.

I never said anything about not acting or not doing anything. I'm just using a little forethought to consider what happens afterwards and how the best way to handle this is.
Maybe I didn't understand but the sentiment holds, just maybe not personally to you flav. I see/hear/read things like that & it makes me crazy. Too many people actually believe that to be the case, peace makes peace. Lack of aggression is not peace. Common understanding & civility is much closer. Mutual respect & tolerance is another. Some day we can have all four, world wide.:shrug:
When Libya was bombed to quell Khadafi's sabre rattelling ,I saw a decided benefit.This is different though ,in that its going to be seen as an attack on Islam not just a Lunatic.The likes of Osama aren't going to be detered by an obliteration of Iraq ,they'll only gain support and some may be US citizens . Attacking Iraq thinking its going to stop the terrorists from getting WMD is shortsighted ,Ex-soviet countries also may be willing to sell ,are we going to have to take them out as well just to be pre-emptive?Hitting Iraq allows the Gov. to show they are doing something to protect their citizens .To comment on the Conspiracy theory ,its interesting that after the UN failed to throw their support in ,the US government raised the the threat to Orange based on increased chatter/communications during the religious celebration of Hajj,isn't Christmas a cause for increased communications traffic here ,why would that be seen as ominous.Was this raisng of the Threat level to at least increase the home support for action (lets get them before they get us mentallity)
flavio said:
I never said anything about not acting or not doing anything. I'm just using a little forethought to consider what happens afterwards and how the best way to handle this is.
Forethought and careful consideration is why the US is considering the action that they are. Or, did you never consider that possibility?
outside looking in said:
flavio said:
I never said anything about not acting or not doing anything. I'm just using a little forethought to consider what happens afterwards and how the best way to handle this is.
Forethought and careful consideration is why the US is considering the action that they are. Or, did you never consider that possibility?

I think you may only be considering one possibility.
A.B.Normal said:
its going to be seen as an attack on Islam

saddam is not Islamic. Not practicing at least. Iraq is/was one of the most open countries in the ME. Should we attack Iran, that is another kettle of fish altogether.

A.B.Normal said:
The likes of Osama aren't going to be detered by an obliteration of Iraq ,they'll only gain support and some may be US citizens .

They can all rot in prison together then. Treason is difficult but not impossible to prove.

A.B.Normal said:
Ex-soviet countries also may be willing to sell ,are we going to have to take them out as well just to be pre-emptive?

Ask Russia how much we're interfering with Chechnya.

A.B.Normal said:
Hitting Iraq allows the Gov. to show they are doing something to protect their citizens .

Yep. More than just that though.

A.B.Normal said:
why would that be seen as ominous.

There was a noted increase before 09/11.