why can't we all just....

Gonz said:
Take a look at Zimbabwe.

You mean how everyone has guns? It can cause problems, I would have used states with carrying laws that are lenient like TX and their lower crime rates

do you really beleive that if the majority of the population of the world had food and housing, and work provided for them that they would revoldt, as long as they had certain things like freedom to pratice any religion, as long as it was in the privacy of the home, or temple, free to have sex anyway they wanted, as long as the partner was willing.

I think they would sit there and let whatever happen, as long as everyone had those 2 things, and free cable and a television in ever home.
paul_valaru said:
but isn't that close to anarchy?

God I hope so.

A government that is wary of its armed citizens & citizens that question their government is a good balance.
freako104 said:
You mean how everyone has guns? It can cause problems, I would have used states with carrying laws that are lenient like TX and their lower crime rates

only the gov't thugs have guns.
World Peace like Free Trade is a concept not actually an attainable outcome through actions. It is an idea nothing more nothing less.

The problem with peace is that it could only be achieved (if it is possible at all) for a limited time before a radical variable interrupts the status quo.

Everything changes it is simply a matter of time.

No nation, man, or moutain lasts forever.
Take out the slavery clauses, and I'd live under this document any day.

We the people

We, the people of the Confederate States, each State acting in its sovereign and independent character, in order to form a permanent federal government, establish justice, insure domestic tranquillity, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity invoking the favor and guidance of Almighty God do ordain and establish this Constitution for the Confederate States of America.
paul_valaru said:

do you really beleive that if the majority of the population of the world had food and housing, and work provided for them that they would revoldt,

You mean communism?

I believe that government should not do for citizens what they are capable of doing for themselves. Provide me a military, pave the roads, advocate and provide for the infirmed and the disabled, mint the money, enforce the laws, maintain reasonable foreign diplomatic relations, house the criminals, field an Olympic team every 4 years, regulate industry to a point, protect the environment. I'll fund my own retirement and insurance needs, educate my kids, decide when and how they learn about sex and creation, hire and fire my doctors, stuff like that.
SouthernN'Proud said:
You mean communism?

I believe that government should not do for citizens what they are capable of doing for themselves. Provide me a military, pave the roads, advocate and provide for the infirmed and the disabled, mint the money, enforce the laws, maintain reasonable foreign diplomatic relations, house the criminals, field an Olympic team every 4 years, regulate industry to a point, protect the environment. I'll fund my own retirement and insurance needs, educate my kids, decide when and how they learn about sex and creation, hire and fire my doctors, stuff like that.

yeah communism, as a theory it works, on a small scale it works (kibbutz)

as a new world order, if we can get some good orwellian stuff going it would work.
SouthernN'Proud said:
Name one place, or one period in time, or one leader, where Communism worked. Just one.

any hunter/gatherer society.

and in modern times kibbutzes in israel small scale communism, but it works.
paul_valaru said:
any hunter/gatherer society.

and in modern times kibbutzes in israel small scale communism, but it works.

Yeah, the planet is proliferated with hunter/gatherer societies.

Small scale communities don't prove anything. Cannibalism will work in a small scale community...for awhile...
Paul, your idea has been tried, in one form or another, over and over. Romania under Chaucescu, the Soviets under Stalin, Germany under Hitler, China under Mau, and that's just a few from this century. What do they all share? They all failed. Yeah, I know, China's still there, but remember Tienanmen from 1989 and the steady "corruption" from outside influences via things like the internet.

Why doesn't it work? Becuase you cannot, long-term, stifle human individuality. The only systems that work over the long haul, like Gato said, reward (or at least appear to reward) individual effort. Under this system (ideally the free market system under a democracy or republic), individual success is possible, and that's what causes people to strive.

Otherwise, what you get is everyone housed in slums, with one 60 watt bulb for light (i.e. Romania in the 80's). Eventually, someone decides this simply isn't happening, manages to inflame the resentment that's been perculating for 50 or 100 years, and throws your nice, "from each according to his ability to each according to his need" system straight into the garbage can.
China is being forced into capitalism. CUBA is a prime example of all the failings in a tight-knit ecosphere
Oh, I think it will. Not without pain, and not without strife, but it's already begun. Have you noticed how they're affecting the world's economy, most especially, but certainly not limited to, energy supplies?

That kind of shit is never a one-way street.