Why Do Old Members Leave???? The early guys...the pioneers

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Well-Known Member
Why do members leave??? a simple question but it is rooted in complexity of life...(or i just sound like a pretentious asshole)...so why do old members leave....on many forums people complain about how they miss the old guys but if the old guys were so liked and respected why do they up and leave forever...a sabbotical is understood but why up and leave for good????? :confbang: :eek5:
people leave for a variety of reasons, irreconcilible clashes of personalities, changes in real life. Generally they seem to stop by once in a while to say hello rather than leaving forever, Especially someplace like OTC.
It is a sad thing for those who remain, it's like there's a piece missing. But I always hope that their leaving is for the better and they are happier, freer, less stressed, as a result.
Ditto, I like to think the members leave because they find something in Real Life that fills the need that OTC fills for me. I miss them, yet I also wish them the best. There are some that leave simply because they get pissed off at another member. Those, I would just as soon see gone most times, it's the ones that get pissed at the staff and leave that I miss the most though.
I can't speak for all the members, but from what I see, it's because someone here pissed them off.
Buttcrackdivine said:
Why do members leave??? a simple question but it is rooted in complexity of life...(or i just sound like a pretentious asshole)...so why do old members leave....on many forums people complain about how they miss the old guys but if the old guys were so liked and respected why do they up and leave forever...a sabbotical is understood but why up and leave for good????? :confbang: :eek5:

you really don't want me to answer that. do you?

i post nice things like "hi" but you don't get the old s4 that posted 60 threads a week
People at otc don't often agree with me, but it is a thread like this that brings out things that people at otc do not like. My old username, s4 causes so much anger that I can't even use it anymore, either here or at xibase. I asked someone's advice recently what they thought about me signing up at xibase as s4 and they said that it would not be a good idea.
bubba, i didnt know you were s4!
erm, that's not a shocked "egads!'' sort of thing, rather, an "oh... ok" thing :)
umm.. i think i can vaguely recall a bit of a squabble we had at jjr's, but i'm not at all bothered by you.

oh yeah... when na and kuu and Q and a few others left jjr's, i was sad :( i know why they did it, but still... that's part of why i like it here, cos the peiople who left jjr's are here :)

btw... you are all aware that JJR512 is my brother, yes? i'm not afraid of saying that, because even tho some of you don't like him, i know that i am well-liked enough to not have that tarnish your opinion of me :)
fury said:
GAH! It's s4! Run away! :beerbang:

The only thing s4 ever did that was wrong was be honest. I could of kept on being Gilbert and Lindsay forever and nobody would of been the wiser. If I hadn't admitted it on my own, s4 would still be considered a swell guy. There were reasons why Gilbert and Lindsay came into being. Some people decided that being postwhores was more important than having quality, so a mod that was playing it right down the middle got sick of the bs he was seeing.

Two other reasons I lost my popularity was that pradeep was fooling around with jopes wife and I didn't know it and I stuck up for krusty not understanding what it was about. I also wanted to give JJR another chance at xibase. Those were the things that caused me to lose my popularity.

Looking back, I really don't care about that any more.
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