Why is it that...


Kissy Goddess
... when you open a box of KD on the perforated line they give you, that the cheese package is always upsidedown?

... when installing something (garage door opener, dishwasher...), and it says *easy installation! will only take one hour!!!*... it ususally takes most of a day?

... they STILL sell more buns in a pack than they do hot dogs, after all this time?

... some microwaves beep 3, 4 or 5 times when it's done? Who really waits for all the beeps, anyways?
you know what i hate? people that cut a huge bowl of lemon slices and then don't cut the middle slit that allows you to put it on a glass. i mean, why spend your time slicing all those lemons and neglect to cut the slice? then another waitress has to grab a steak knife every time some schmuck wants iced tea!
I get annoyed at people who can't understand the concept that their tricked-out camera-equipped cell phone was $50 because their provider paid $200 of it for them in exchange for the two-year contract. This generally comes into play when someone dropped their phone in the lake and they didn't have insurance, and they come in wanting us to sell them another phone for $50. Verizon won't let people re-up their contract, and therefore won't pay the $200 again, until 22 months into the 24-month agreement. Translation: If you didn't get insurance on the phone and you dropped it into the garbage disposal 3 months after you got it, it's going to cost you $250 to replace it. Sorry. We're not going to sell you a phone for $50 when that's less than a quarter of what the store paid for it. You can yell about how that's "horseshit" with a young disabled kid standing right there, and then storm out and not even pay attention when a friend of yours just happens to be in the store at the same time and wants to say hi, all you want (yes, that actually happened), we're not going to sell you a phone for $50.
....when you're not in a rush to get somewhere, traffic flows smoothly.

And when you're running late, you get stuck behind somebody's Gramma going waaaaay toooo slow!