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Out-freaking-standing OTC member
[Size=large]‘Pink Pistols,’ gay and carrying guns[/Size]
Desire for less legislation drives many members

The constitution clearly gives individual citizens the right to keep and bear arms, and they are only exercising that right. More power to 'em.

I admit it's fluff, but only in something like People magazine. It doesn't really deserve to be treated like serious journalism, as it was on MSNBC.
Actually we are having a debate about second amendment. There is reason to believe that by giving the rihgt to bear arms is for use by militia.
It does say in the context of need for militia we have a right to bear arms, but it is misinterpreted as "You may carry guns", while I think it means "A militia must be established, and people may bear arms for this"
I'm not saying we shouldn't be allowed to have guns, but many people take the second amendment the wrong way, IMHO
Altron. Look up the definition of 'militia', and then start to debate me on this. ;)
Yep, you are associating Military with Militia. They are two entirely different things.
No, i'm not.Militia are regular citizens with rifles who will defend their town, but they aren't regular military.
Altron said:
No, i'm not.Militia are regular citizens with rifles who will defend their town, but they aren't regular military.

That's correct. Regular citizens. It never says that those citizens have to start a militia...just that the citizens could start a militia if needs be. If the constitution stated that a militia must be established, then why are all the other rights individual? The founding fathers knew that governments exist not for the people, just for the government. No form of government has lasted very long, historically, without a mandate from a free and armed populace.
i can't decide if i want to get a gun eventually or not. i'm against violence, and i'd be scared stupid if i have kids in the house, that they'd find it.
but... it may save my life.

i dont think i'll get one. the bad outweighs the good, i think .
I want a gun (My years hooked on DOOM are showing here) but not some wimpy-ass handgun, a Sig 550 Sniper!
So the teen advocating militia-only gun ownership wants a private weapon. :grinno: You can't have it both ways. Either you have gun ownership in the hands of private citizens, or you have the government ordering you about with no recourse (which is why we have the 2nd amendment in the first place). Once you lose the second amendment, how do you keep the other nine?
I am not "advocating militia-only gun ownership"
I am saying the second amendment is always taken as "You can have guns if you want" but that's not what it means.
There are plenty of "You may bear arms for whatever reason" but the second amendment isn't one of them
Altron said:
I am not "advocating militia-only gun ownership"
I am saying the second amendment is always taken as "You can have guns if you want" but that's not what it means.

Then what, pray-tell, does the second amendment mean?
It means there should me a militia, and citizens are allowed to have firearms for this purpose.
Ash, a private weapon, properly secured, is no threat to children. A holstered pistol, carried with you, can't be found by a child in a shoe box in your cupboard.

And, IMHO a child who's grown up around guns has no facination for them. They have a healthy respect. And a child who has learned to handle a weapon is less likely to have an accident with one. Look at the statistics. There are many more gun accidents involving children than deliberate shootings.

And a kid who's felt the kick of a .38 isn't gonna be dreaming of owning a rifle who's recoil will shatter his collarbone.
< a perfect example of a kid who has grown up around guns (or at least bb/pellet riles and gun-related video games...)
Pellet guns and video games do not educate the way a .357 slug destroying a cinder block does. In fact, they give a very false sense of security about guns. I've been hit at close range by a bb rifle (130fps) and it never broke the skin.
Exactly. And there is nothing worse, or more dangerous. A kid who wants to know about guns and has noone to teach him. That's a very bad thing.

Look at boys and their obsession with boobs. They all want what they know is there, but they can't get. Boys at a nudist camp couldn't care less.