Why is this news?

Isn't the second amendment old? I thought it was only created so that the U.S. citizens could protect themselves from the British when they were going for independence... I think it needs to be changed cuz not everyone needs a gun to protect themselves from a British invasion anymore. :anibang:
The citizens of Germany didn't need guns either. At least, that's what the Nazi party convinced everyone, right before they started herding them into trains.

The time you most need a gun is when someone else tries to decide that you don't.
sbcanada said:
Isn't the second amendment old? I thought it was only created so that the U.S. citizens could protect themselves from the British when they were going for independence... I think it needs to be changed cuz not everyone needs a gun to protect themselves from a British invasion anymore. :anibang:

#1. It was put there to protect the citizens from all enemys. Not just the Brits. Why do you think the only attacks on US soil have been by the Japanese on Pearl Harbor (an air attack they could get away from), and the WTC, where they were just suicidal maniacs? Cause we could kick any land based attack in the nads before it ever started.

#2. When you are an American citizen, then I might consider your arguments further.
Having thousands of miles of water between yourselves and them doesn't hurt either;)

And having Canada and Mexico as buffers north and south doesn't go without notice.
So? We are willing to travel thousands of miles to attack other countries...
The time you most need a gun is when someone else tries to decide that you don't.

Ok, I definetly need a gun...
Everyone's all "Guns are evil" and i'm all "Yeah, when people come trying to kill you, they will because you can't defend yourself, when they come to kill me, I shoot them with Sig 550 Sniper"

um, no. You won't. The Sig is a great weapon, but at anything less that 100 yards, your sights are worthless. And a long barrel like that is gonna make any 'from the hip' shot a bitch to line up right. And for any 'indoors' shooting, it won't even fit sideways into a doorframe.

Gimme a .38 or a 9mm pistol, with 10+1 mag, and I'm ready.

Uzi ^
Professur said:
The time you most need a gun is when someone else tries to decide that you don't.

Very insightful Prof.
<tommyj27's $0.02>
I've grown up around guns, my Dad's side of the family are avid hunters. I learned weapon safety and I've been on my share of hunting trips. I haven't hunted for several years, I'd just as soon watch critters or shoot them with a camera. I still enjoy blowing the centers out of targets once in a while. Perhaps weapon safety classes should be encouraged for all children as a means of building respect for their capabilities. I don't know if that's a good idea, I'm just tossing it out.
I'm guessing most of you didn't grow up in the midwest. When I was a kid, Gun safety was part of gym class. 5th or 6th grade I think. We had to learn how to shoot a .22, clean it, and if you passed, you could go down to the Dept of Conservation and get yourself a hunting permit no problem.
Shit, in Canada your hunting permit is attached to the Birth Certificate, isn't it?
Might be. I wasn't born here. And in Scotland, it's definitely not.

But it didn't come attached to V2.0 or V3.0's. Maybe they changed the rules with this new gun registry.

There's a topic for any good gun loving canadian to start.
That's what makes it scary for most of us. Things in your head have a way of boiling over at some point. I'm not talking you specifically here, just in general, people with obsessions usually crack at some point.