Why is this woman smiling?

This woman smiling, all the way to the bank!

Thou shalt not make for yourself an idol, whether in the form of anything
that is in heaven above, or that is on the earth beneath,
or that is in the water under the earth.

heh dude I think it's a hoot how the left has fixated on this
woman and her family her words and actions.

I do respect her for quitting that stupid Governorship
and cashing in on her new found celebrity.

She has no intention of running for any public office,
cuz she's the smartest idiot you've ever seen!
Yoom betcha!

nah her undergrad journalism degree cobbled together from a bunch of different schools seems about right for her level of brilliance, just like you are perfectly suited to your high school equivalency diploma. the "school of life" only teaches you so much when you enter it with a limited set of interpretive tools. and we've seen the result of that here in spades.
Now Gonz, you know this is the age of PC, and there's no such thing as 'shame'.
You just have to remember..."it's not your fault".
I think Palin serves well in certain areas, but I'd be more likely to vote for Herman Cain.

Man I hope Ron Paul runs again, or gets on a ticket.

Ron Paul Wins Presidential Straw Poll at CPAC -- Again

Hypocrisy rears it's ugly head yet again, just like with the O'Donnell case,
I see establishment republicans saying the poll was/is rigged, with absolutely
no proof offered to back it up.

When will people get it that it's time to put country ahead of party?.

I think Trump believe Paul is his biggest threat as the reason why he's cutting him down.
I like Trump somewhat, but he's made it clear that he'll say anything to achieve his goal(s).
Ron Paul is an isolationist.

I don't really have much of a problem with that though....
Most presidents adjust a little when they get intel, and actually have to deal with Real situations.
So I think he'd loosen up a little on that.
He does also have to work with congress, and that will take soooome negotiation.

I see it kinda like bargaining, you start high,
and the other side starts low, and you meet in the middle somewhere.
Trump is an ego looking for a place to land. Ron Paul is an isolationist. Mitch Daniels...great Governor - great President?

i would vote for daniels without reservation. enthusiastically, in fact. he would brutally flog obama.

what really confuses me gonz, is that you get this guy, but you're also real sweet on a loyal dope. this guy has actually done big things as far as responsible budget reduction, but she can only spout off the usual tripe of efficiency speak... "well, we'll find efficiencies in the government, you betcha." would you support palin over daniels as the GOP candidate for pres? and don't cop out by suggesting them as running mates.
Daniels is an economic mastermind. He gets things done, his way. I've witnessed his improvements first-hand (and listened to those who are upset by his breaking the apple cart) with pleasure. However, he is a wonk. Boring speaker, not much personality. Which is fine, I'm not voting for a rock star.

Palin is a figurehead. Much like Reagan, she leads from a known & stable base. You can bet her decisions will be made from a viewpoint of furthering that ideology.

As I've said for over a year, my ideal would be Palin/Daniels. She can handle the pressure & the spotlight. He could help with the finances. It's a perfect match.

Since you don't/won't accept that, the answer is, truly, I don't know what I'd do. I believe I'd lean towards the Barracuda. Our shared ideology will lead us to financial stabilization.

But, at the moment, that's not an issue. I will maintain my hope. But, please God, anyone but Romney.
it's interesting that you'd elevate form over substance. i don't think washington should be a bunch of talking heads. i think it should be run like a business, but even better through absolute accountability. might need some fancy math, too. you know, lean and agile. :D
it's interesting that you'd elevate form over substance. i don't think washington should be a bunch of talking heads. i think it should be run like a business, but even better through absolute accountability. might need some fancy math, too. you know, lean and agile. :D

I guess we can dream
I find ideology to be quite substantive. Left or right. If one makes decisions from that point, you can reliably presume ones decisions. I would never see a firearm bill ending up on Sarahs desk being a threat. If it were Obama, I'd presume it good as signed.
I find ideology to be quite substantive. Left or right. If one makes decisions from that point, you can reliably presume ones decisions. I would never see a firearm bill ending up on Sarahs desk being a threat. If it were Obama, I'd presume it good as signed.

when faced with a choice - and let's face it, we often aren't - i would prefer to go by "show me, don't tell me."
She handled herself admirably as Governor.

it's moderately likely that she gained access to that office by handling herself. but that's what women are for. not for doing anything, but for being presentable.

chugga chugga chugga chug chug.
