Why Kerry is going to lose . . . !!!

Truth and honor are something Bush and his cronies know little of.

Yeah I am here til Gonz bans me.

As long as the buffoon is in office there will be no shortage of stupid quuotes and films of his buffoonery for sure but tonight I am not in the mood.
I don't care what's fair I am pissed......maybe you can ban me? Thouh I am not breaking any rule that I know of. Gonz did personally attack me but I know he's above the law.
Thouh I am not breaking any rule that I know of.
so why bring up this ban issue? wtf?

and...I have to think about the other post you speak of. It's 2oclock in the morning and i'm barely coherent.
This is the post:

Gonz said:
Of course not. You're just another in a long line of long winded whinebags not willing to use your spine to back up your mouth. I'm not surprised.
It's pretty typical of the BS several liberals have pulled around here. Come out, say something stupid, get real pissy when people call him on it, make promises for shock value, then renege. Then try to throw legal weight around.
I never made any threats or promises.....just spoke my mind. I know that always makes conservatives uncomfortable.
Uncomfortable? I'm pretty perky at the moment. I have a serious problem with people denigrating my country & our President though. I offered you an out & you rudely refused. Seems you're the uncomfortable one.
Leslie said:
so what do the people do who are neither Liberal nor Conservative?

Look at how you live. Chances are incredibly high that everyone falls into one or the other. It's not all about straight political leanings.
It get's your ire up when I say the president is a piece of shit, but I think he's a piece of shit.
markjs said:
I don't care what's fair I am pissed......
Pissed that will all the sinster efforts made by the ABB crowd, moveon.org, the Moore-ons, using every little waesely tactic they could muster be the lemmings on yourside have all walked of that cliff together.

4 more year of honor baby, better start getting ready for the next one.
markjs said:
I never made any threats or promises.....just spoke my mind. I know that always makes conservatives uncomfortable.
You never spoke your mind you follower, you ALWAYS spewed the propaganda that was fed to you by other seditionist.

As much as you may think it was you opinion, it was fed to you with a spoon and you gobbled down all that vile hatred and it made you feel good.

this is your just rewards.
Oh and your spew comes directly from your own mind.....untouched by partisan politics.....Why don't you just grow up and let me be me and you be you.
By the way why do you use a Dennis Miller quote did you not know he is a vile evil hate filled Liberal?

Bush's honor is stained....always has been.
holy hell!

so what, a "Conservative" party member can't agree with or appreciate anything a "Liberal" party member says or does? is that true in vice versa too? cause I've been doin it wrong in that case.

I'm simply opointing out that he seems to so vehemently objects to my "vile hate filled liberal spew" and wondering why he's use a quote form one of "us".
I object to vile hate filled spew too...but I can appreciate a good point when I see it, regardless of who said it. Two entirely different animals.
Yeah but what you don't understand is that concepts like semi socialized health care for all citezens is "Vile hate filled spew".