Gato_Solo said:Funny. I've been watching CNN, and Fox all day, and haven't heard of one recent lawsuit by the rebublican party in any state. The suits you're talking about are at least 2 years old, and had to do with redistricting. Sorry, but you have to come up with something more recent than that...and don't try that 'letter' floating around supposedly by the NAACP, either...especially when the Democrats keep pushing the non-existent draft issue.
The state Republican Party immediately said it would challenge the judge's ruling in hopes of having the order overturned in time for Tuesday's election in Ohio, an important battleground state that could throw the presidential contest either way. (Showdown state Ohio, Electoral College explainer)
GOP officials on Friday asked the state Supreme Court to make sure Hennepin, Ramsey and Olmsted counties are complying with a law that prohibits more than half of a precinct's election judges to be from one party. A hearing is scheduled for Thursday.
grim reaper said:and sorry dude but kerry is more evil.
grim reaper said:we'll see tomorrow night who the people deem as the more evil, of course that is if we can keep it out of the courts. bets on who hires the attorneys first for florida?
A.B.Normal said:
Etc.... a quick search of google will provide many more .
I hate looking like a whackjob by association.Way to belittle the memories of 6 million + holocaust victims, there, Mark.
Leslie said:I hate looking like a whackjob by association.
his party? not in the slightestGato_Solo said:So how does complying with a local law have an affect on the election? I'm sure your brain can figure that one out. Let's go a bit further...How do any of these frivolous lawsuits damage your party?
Leslie said:I hate looking like a whackjob by association.