Why puberty now begins at seven

Luis G

Staff member
Whether it is sprouting hair, budding breasts or a breaking voice, the signs that herald puberty can be distressing and difficult to cope with.

In the western world there is much evidence children are reaching puberty at younger and younger ages - some girls at the age of seven.

The reasons for this trend is unknown - and some dispute it is occuring at all.

But several theories have been suggested.

And Swedish scientists at the Karolinska Institute aim to find out by tackling the puzzle from different angles.

The rest in: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/4530743.stm

IMO the reason behind this is the huge dosis of hormones that animals receive so they can develop faster.
Used to be called 'precocious puberty' and wasn't all that common... this article is interesting but hardly verifyable.
I've noticed the trend for years. I always wondered if the advent of prenatal vitamins is somehow culpable.

All I know is, the visual line between fourteen and eighteen is diminishing. That scares me...the housebrat is twelve already. :eek13:
Actually, most of it is caused by a better diet, and higher fat levels in children. Athletes and gymnasts have been known for decades to have retarded puberty due to the higher body stress, and low fat levels.
Luis G said:
IMO the reason behind this is the huge doses of hormones that animals receive so they can develop faster.
i agree with you on that Luis. most of those hormones are fat soluable.
not only are they reaching puberty younger, but some of them are just plain hugh. i see 14-16 year olds all the time that are 6+ feet tall and 200+ lbs.
i dont remember that many kids being that size when i was that age.
I think it all depends. I started puberty at a young age myself, but then I look at some of my cousins or friends kids that are in high school now and they look like babies and haven't started the process as of yet.
I think that the hormones in our food has an affect on younger children reaching puberty as well as childhood obesity. My sister is not even 11 yet and already has bewbies and a full growth of hair "down there". (disclaimer: my mom told me this and I yelled at her for telling me cause I really didn't want to know) She is also a bit chunky for her age although she is starting to loose a bit of the chunk. I think that it is a combonation of the crap food my mother feeds her and the fact that she doesn't have any physical acticity outside of one or two gym classes a week and recess time where she sits with her friends rather than runs around. My mom feeds her frozen chicken and take out pizzas and stuff almost every night. When she does cook, it is rarely with high quality meats and other ingredients and rarely contains any vegetables. I am not trying to sound like a hippie, but I do like to get the organic vegetables when I can and also the meats that have little hormones injected into the animal.
Aw Prof you are such a bore.
Always sayin' the correct answer.
Yeah If you want to forestall yer kid growin' up
starve the sucker from the time its in the womb
til it's 20.

There are tens of millions of kids like that the werld over.

I'd rather seek to create the finest example of a human
being possible. Better living through chemistry!

One of my Kids’ fav thangs wuz A-1 sauce

He liked it on his Sirloins and New York strips!

(hellva way to ruin a great steak!)
My kid is 11 and 5'3''. I don't know if that can generally be considered tall for his age, I certainly think it is. He is taller than all of his friends. Don't know what he weighs. He's a bit heavy set, but not fat.

As far as puberty is concerned, he's boasted about a little hint of hair growth in the nether regions, but that's it so far.
He's a shrimp (heh it's not his fault)

But then he should sprig up 6 to seven inches in the next 24 months.
I got boobs when I was 7 or so. Got my first bra when I was 10, my first period not long after. I was an early developer. :mope:
Early to flower
early to wilt
(gone to seed?)

Oh sry I couldn't resist

really, I must show some restraint, really I must...
Hey think about it, not to long ago humans were lucky to see their 20th birthday.
Then the average lifespan grew to the mid forties (where it currently stands in Afghanistan).

Sheesh folks in the first world are now living into their 70's.
I personally know three 80+ year olds that get around fine and still have most of their ‘marbles'.

So if one of the manifestations of this phenomenon is that
we've got 11 year olds that are stacked and 15 year olds that look 22 I say

“Bring it on mama-san”!

It's a long row to hoe to yer 90's, better get busy!