Why the hate?

Well, if you didn't have kids with him and you were still this riled up I'd say he's still got a lot of power.
2 more days and counting.......June 1st is mediation day.....it won't actually go to court, they call it mediation. Where my lawyer and I, sit down with a mediator and "him" and pretty much tell him sign the papers or your screwed bud! :swing:
He never even came to the hospital when Matt was in there. Called him and told him how sick his son was, and instead of taking an 1 1/2 drive, he decided to go out partying...thats pretty sad I say! :alienhuh:
I wanna know what it'd take for a mother to leave her husband and kids (10 and 12) in Tennessee and get married to a late 50s guy who has never married here? She's taken a trip down there about every other month to see her kids, but her new husband (I went to their wedding this past Friday night) has yet to meet her kids. What he says about him mistreating her and all that can't be very accurate: if he really was that bad, why the hell would she leave her kids with him? It's pretty obvious why they married: he's afraid of dying alone and she needs his money (she's only a part time HS referee, doesn't even make enough to file taxes) and she has him totally whipped, she could talk him into jumping off a cliff.
SL said:
(I went to their wedding this past Friday night)

People should quit attending these tragedies. Breaking up a family is not to be celebrated.
Today it is a badge of honor not one of shame as it used to be, like out of wedlock pregnancy is no longer a problem. Yeah my ex is a dirty rotten so and so!
Hell if you are so fricken wunderful why’d you marry such a loser?
Crap one of the first basic lessons I taught my boy was:
“never badmouth yer ex”
If you can’t see why’d ya’d not do something like that then you are beyond redemption.

(heh heh wouldn’t it be even WORSE to badmouth the father of your children)

Yeah my Ex is such a whore

Oh so that means you marry whores?

*insert litany of excuses here*…
OK.....so here I am again, going for "D" Day! We''ll see if the D*** shows up this time.... :cuss:
He called an hour before and said he wasnt going to make it, he was getting a Lawyer-He lies.....can't afford one. So, needless to say if he doesnt show up today he is in default, so thats what I was told, unless his Lawyer-HA!!! calls in for him.
WELL.....woke up got ready for mediation...went to wake the little guy up and his ear was bleeding...popped an ear drum???? wtf....so called the doctor...the lawyer....they went ahead with mediation without me...he never showed-called in and they put him on conference...he is not contesting the divorce or joint custody..just supervised visits, he had gotten a lawyer in Fort Myers and my lawyer has to contact his...he still had not conplied with alot of things so the lawyers need to talk now. I'm not bending my way though, sticking to my guns on what I want. There's no way in hell these children are getting into a a vehicle with him, no DL., warrants for his arrest, etc.......

Keep all updated on the next step next time...
Had to do my parenting class last night for divorce, WHAT A CROCK IT WAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But, I got that certificate that I needed and one step closer I am, next court date July 22nd. :D
Why the Hate??? This is Why!

The asshole comes down my way unanounced, his rear axil (spelling) in his trucks breaks and he comes to my work??? WTF....wants to stay at my house for 2 days till they can fix it-NO F****** Way! Then he goes to my sisters-Leave my family out of of this-they don't even want anything to do with his crack-ass......his own family doesnt even want to talk to him.
To top it off! He can't get Michael his bike for his birthday-which is July 31st...and he has been "promising" this boy it since Christmas.....Which he didnt even get him anything for christmas......

Its a damn shame the boyz are always they ones that get hurt-so here goes Mom again working OT to get him a bike and his sneaks he wanted....guess thats what Moms are for!
Women Drivers

I was riding to work yesterday when I observed a female driver cut right

in front of a pickup truck, causing him to have to drive onto the shoulder

to avoid hitting her. This evidently angered the driver enough that he hung

his arm out his window and "flipped" the woman off.

"Man, that guy is stupid," I thought to myself.

I ALWAYS smile nicely and wave in a sheepish manner whenever a female does

anything to me in traffic, and here's why:

1. I drive 48 miles each way every day to work. That's 96 miles each day.

Of these, 16 miles each way is bumper-to-bumper.

2. Most of the bumper-to-bumper is on an 8 lane highway.

3. There are 7 cars every 40 feet for 32 miles.

4. That works out to be 982 cars every mile, or 31,424 cars.

5. Even though the rest of the 32 miles is not bumper-to-bumper, I figure

I pass at least another 4000 cars.

6. That brings the number to something like 36,000 cars that I pass

7. Statistically, females drive half of these. That's 18,000 women drivers!

8. In any given group of females, 1 in 28 has PMS. That's 642.

9. According to Cosmopolitan, 70% describe their love life as dissatisfying

or unrewarding. That's 449.

10. According to the National Institute of Health, 22% of all females have

seriously considered suicide or homicide. That's 98.

11. And 34% describe men as their biggest problem. That's 33.

12. According to the National Rifle Association, 5% of all females carry

weapons, and this number is increasing.

That means that EVERY SINGLE DAY, I drive past at least one female that

has a lousy love life, thinks men are her biggest problem, has seriously

considered suicide or homicide, has PMS, and is armed.

Flip one off? .. I think not..
Need some advise!?!?????

Please just dont be brutal right now, but do need honest opinions.....

Got into my first arguement with my male friend.....It's kinda/sorta over my 10 year old....Here's the situation....

My oldest is not adjusting very well to this whole situation.....or maybe he is, its just that if he doesnt get his own way- he throws a temper tantrum...He's been making this grunting noise and punching furniture and talking back to me...acting like a 2 year old......My significant other and I have been very patient and understanding, but it has come to a point where neither one of us can take anymore of it!!!!!! I have taken action where the hiney deserves it and punished, but now, last night, I had never been so uncomfortable in my whole life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So, What the hell do I do now? Leave him for awhile and give my son the pleasure of running my life or make son understand I am the mom and live with what I want????

Opinions PLEASE!?!?!?
*puts on the Dad hat*

This is THE most important part of a young man's
growin' up.

The description of the behavior is proto-typical of the beginnings of puberty. A young man without a proper father figger will either become a monster during this time or will develop into a complete wreck that may never get back on the straight and narrow.

ya gotta beg yer BF to assume the role of a Father during this period

Oh and DO NOT EVEN attempt to use corporal punishment on him.
First the age fer 'spankings' has long passed and
try to imagine what it does (in the long haul) to a
man's mind to be bested by a WOMAN in a
hand to hand fight, especially by his Mah. Besides
he's not allowed to hit a gurl back and certainly not his Mother!!!

I'm serious I've seen this countless times in homes where the Father is missing AND has been made the object of ridicule (in my very own life growing up as well).

An adolescent boy must have a male he can bond with.
An adolescent boy needs someone that will bust his ass if he gets outta line.
(and it ain’t his mama)
Single parent households contribute all (ok most) of our
prison inmates and psychiatric patients.
(let yer mama beat you up when you are beginning to get
har down there and you’ll have issues aboot wimen’s for a long time)
Whew I could really go on and on about this one!
See if yer new BF would like to help get this kid to age 14 and turn him into a man!
Most ten year olds in this situation will glom onto the first male role model they can find. Just make sure they find a good one, lol