Why the hate?

Today would be the day......in about 2 1/2 hours I will be sitting in a court room, NOT staring at my X, but hoping all goes my way! Which i'm sure it should, considering he didnt do any of his stuff he was supposed to. Wish me luck! :D
All went GREAT...it was no more than 5 minutes in front of the judge. He didnt even bother to come.. Funny how I thought I would feel estatic,relieved, etc....it really doesnt feel any different. But I am glad its over and done with. :D
Mare said:
All went GREAT...it was no more than 5 minutes in front of the judge. He didnt even bother to come.. Funny how I thought I would feel estatic,relieved, etc....it really doesnt feel any different. But I am glad its over and done with. :D

Mare said:
...it was no more than 5 minutes in .....
He didnt even bother to come.. Funny how I thought I would feel estatic,....it really doesnt feel any different. But I am glad its over and done with. :D

anyone else see the reason for the divorce?
Inkara1 said:
So... child support? Alimony? Other stuff like that?

Well, the boys get a monthly check off their dads SSD....so that remains the same. We had no assets, so there was nothing to divide. If he see's the boys it has to be a supervised visit, with a third party. Physically & mentally he cannot care for the boys, so that was the reason behind that. He barely bothers with them anyway/a phone call here and there. Shame for the boys, but the way I see it is, MOM is here for them!!! YES, a dad/father is VERY important in ones life, but when they choose to not be in their life, MOMs have to try the best they can, and that I am doing!