Why war with Iraq is happening


molṑn labé
Staff member
The UN started this & it's time for somebody to finish it. If you wish, here are the UN mandates that brought us all to teh brink of war, again.
I just don't get it. The UK and the US have invested the time and effort to do the difficult work of gathering intelligence on just what is going on in Iraq. Blair and Bush are privy to information that other world leaders (were) not, much less the general population.

However, when the UK and the US present their information, other leaders don't accept that information. They don't believe the only current source of intelligence, but have not been willing to gather their own. What the hell is wrong with this picture?

Then they made the astounding decision that sending inspectors (once again) through the front door will somehow blow the covers off of whatever Saddam is hiding (I suppose they inspectors have just been walking in the wrong doors for the past decade?).

Which brings us to this point. The people who have gathered the intelligence, and know precisely how dangerous the situation is for the rest of the world, are not believed by the UN in its entirety. Do they really wish to replay the last several years, in the hopes that nothing bad will happen in the meantime and that somehow the same tactics that have failed previously will now be successful? We know what needs to be done, but people refuse to accept it. Why?

War is never pretty, but it is sometimes necessary.
oli, can you stop listening to the war cries for a moment and stand far enough back to see the whole picture? The sanctions were working. Sadams days were numbered because of unrest within Iraq which was directly caused by those sanctions. If anything, our threats of war against Iraq have caused that internal dissent to dissipate. We have scared the Iraqi people into backing their government because they are afraid. And the "current source of intelligence" got caught copying a foreign student's 10 year old term paper into the UN record as though it were breaking news. Our Secretary of State, no less! The Iraqi government was soon to fall and the US wants to be the one to pick the new regime. We didn't trust them to put in our preferred people....
Squiggy said:
But you don't believe in the UN, Gonz

Oh, but I do, in theory. The idea fascinates me that someday we, as a planet, can overcome our petty differences & end war by playing by the same rules. Alls it takes is one pent up, egomaniacal idiot to ruin the whole plan. When one does, we need to stick together & take the SOB out. IF that means war, then so be it.

Squiggy, assuming by past remarks you're older than me & also assuming you have kids (adults now maybe) would you have spent 12 years telling your kid to stop pissing ON the toilet instead of in it? Or, would you do as any sane parent and kick his ass because he always says, "ok dad, sorry-I'll try harder" and after 12 years years you KNOW he's a liar. Oversimplified but same context.

Squiggy said:
We have scared the Iraqi people into backing their government because they are afraid.

I'd be willing to bet my life that a majority, once we actually pull into town, will stand beside us & not opposing us. We're pissed at 12 years. They've had over a generation.

OLI, well said.
Gonz said:
When one does, we need to stick together & take the SOB out. IF that means war, then so be it.

Stick together? You want us to break away from everyone else and go kill people....regardless of what the rest of the world thinks.

I'd be willing to bet my life that a majority, once we actually pull into town, will stand beside us & not opposing us. We're pissed at 12 years. They've had over a generation.

And you're basing this on information supplied to you by an administration that allowed Powell to read that 10 year old termpaper to the UN as "proof" that Sadam is hiding something.

Wheres The BEEF?
Um, Squiggy. You did see the results of last year's election in Iraq? 100% victory. Despite people saying that they'd deliberately spoiled their votes. Not to mention that there was only one name on the ballots to start with.

You did know this, didn't you?
Did anyone of you have seen interviews with iraquies ??

I see them daily, all of them say they hate the US and they will first die than see their feet over Bagdad, some say that they would perpetrate suicidal attacks if the war begins, the might not like Saddam, but they would choose him before the US.

The interview with Blix in your first reference makes no mention of finding "the BEEF" Only that they didn't find it but can't find the paperwork either...

The second is supposedly from a dead man who wanted us to install him as Iraq's new leader. Any doubt that he would bad mouth Sadam? His BEEF was, we wouldn't back him, but we'll say that he said things....

The third was the most ludicrous thing I can imagine anyone accepting as "proof". The man left Iraq in 1991 and is offering hearsay of communication with his colleagues. Where is the documentation of those communications? (AKA The BEEF)

Al-Shahristani, who escaped Iraq in 1991 after being jailed for refusing to help develop weapons of mass destruction, said his information is recent and comes from former colleagues with whom he has been in contact.

I didn't even feel like having desert after that garbage....
Professur said:
Gotta start somewhere, SQ.

The starting point from day one should have been Saudi Arabia. How many times do people have to be reminded that 15 out of 19 of the hijackers were SAUDI?
I went to look over the desrt offerings and found humour instead...

US officials are concerned that Saddam’s system of doubles and constant moving could enable him to evade capture in the way that Osama bin Laden did in Afghanistan.

6'5" tall Saudi needing dialysis...I have 10 or 12 of those on my block too....
Actually, they were muslim extremists. Nationality is very secondary at that point. Just like being christian was more important during the crusades. People are willing to die for their country, but they're willing to do anything for their religion.
Yeah prof....And the Iranian hostage takers that overran our embassy were militant students....Can we be realistic here?
I thought I was being realistic. People look to their leaders. All people are basically sheep. Americans went on witch hunts because someone told them to. People will follow the stupidest ideas if they believe. Right now, there's a powerbase in the middle east that's building on the basis of hatred of americans and everything americans stand for. The Shaw of Iran was an american supporter. Where's he now? The fact is that no matter what happens, people will follow that lead, simply because it gives them something to blame other than themselves. And poorer people with less to loose will follow it way past any point of reason.

I know all about this kinda stuff. I live it daily. It's the same methodology that the Quebec separatists use. Right now, they're using the fact that the feds want the extra money sent for the medicare system to be accounted for as a fulcrum. They're trying to make an issue of that. It's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. But to some buttwipe in Baie Comeau who's never traveled more than 10 miles from home in his life, this is gonna sound like a serious issue.

Hussein is simply a focal point. A stable point. He's not even that important. If he was, he'd have been gotten rid of long since by a CIA operative acting as an Iranian fundamentalist. The 'allies' need to exert force in that area in order to disrupt that build up. They need to shuffle the deck, as it were. Let the disidents and rebels get more active. Once that's done, they'll sit back and let the arabs kill themselves off until the next stable political structure forms.
The Shah is dead. He was a puppet for America. And he was run out of his country by his own people because he was even more evil than Sadam....And we gave him refuge...We are the biggest hypocits in the world and the anti American swell in the mideast is understandable to me. I don't like it. But I understand their reasons...