Ease up, Squiggy.....and make a coherent argument. All you've done so far is flash the standard "Gosh darnit if you're not there in battle fatigues you got no business talking about it..." ...
..to EVERYONE who disagrees with your premise(s), which are unclear at this point in any case...it doesn't fly. It's simply a brush off used commonly when someone doesn't want to defend a position.
you said this:
You should maybe find out the real purpose of our armed forces instead of making up a definition that fits your desires
.....and then went on to say this....
The purpose of our military is to DEFEND American soil and our people from foriegn AGGRESSION....
...no sir. Not so.....the US military hasn't defended US soil OR "our people" since the Spanish-American war. It is sent to fight for the causes approved by it's commander in chief and presumably in co-operation with the legislative branch under specific circumstances set out within our constitution. In fact, the purpose of the FEDERAL military forces, as opposed to state militia forces (national guard, etc.) is to wage war, and no specific theater is prescribed. I didn't make up any definition, that much is clear..........
you said :
Our lifestyles change constantly and I'll be damned if the army is allowed to shoot me for changing with it (or not). Our "ideals are as fragile as the next election but not subject to the deployment of armed forces...Our political structure is protected INTERNALLY by laws which can be adjusted as needed. Again, nothing to do with the military...
...now after reading this, I had to seriously question whether your post was in response to mine, or to someone elses. This part,
Our lifestyles change constantly and I'll be damned if the army is allowed to shoot me for changing with it (or not)
...has nothing to do with anything I said. If you're referring to the tract about protecting "ideals, political structures, lifestyles...." then perhaps I was presumptuous in my belief that no one would take it to mean a PERSONAL lifestyle choice, such as the desire to wear hippe clothes and never shower.....
..what I mean by it was the general lifestyle of the nation in question...in that we worship who we wish, pretty much go where we wish, buy what we wish....and on and on.....maybe that falls more under the "ideals" column....but I hardly thought anyone would make the leap that you did.
I guess I'm not sure where you get the idea that there's anything behind my post that indicates that I am "anxious" to undertake any venture. It's a situation which demands thought, vision, and debate....and we've had that. At some point there is consensus, and I believe that has been reached.
In this case you either believe SH and his regime are a threat, or you don't. if you don't then , yeah..I can dig your argument. I could see how you might then think this was just about getting free oil.
...my contention is that it's clearly about a LOT more, and my opinion is that the regime represents a threat not only to this country, the US, but also some of our allies, with whom we are treaty bound to defend. Pretty simple.
Finally, you know, you took offense to something I posted prior, along the lines that this conflict has, as components, oil concerns and vengeance....but you either quoted me out of context purposely or misunderstood what I was saying. I NEVER said those were the ONLY components. If they were then the whole thing would be despicable, but as with most conflicts and all modern wars there have been less than honorable components behind them that do not diminish the legitimacy of the conflict in general.