Why we love Canada


molṑn labé
Staff member
Even American social thinkers know better than this

Free drinks may improve the health and lives of homeless alcoholics and reduce their run-ins with police, according to a study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal.


what a stupid dumb ass idea!

When I first saw this I figured it was BC cause they are weird like that, but ottawa? crap
"They'll never be fully integrated into society, but they'll be less of a drain and even contributors."

Critics said the study lacked a comparison group, such as an abstinence program. Others lamented that offering a drunk a drink is contrary to common sense.

"We've been accused of facilitating alcohol abuse, but we feel this is a very useful tool in combating a serious societal problem. Just because someone has failed an abstinence-based program doesn't mean they should have to die in the street," Turnbull said.

"We agree that abstinence is the best approach to alcohol addiction; however, when abstinence programs have failed, we still have to care for the individuals," he said. "By giving them alcohol in modest and controlled amounts, we've been able to minimize the harm they do to themselves and work on their bad behavior."
Lets see...take alcoholics off the street and sober them up slowly instead of cold-turkey. Followed up with some AA, and the potential of getting them off the street? And if they don't get off the street, they cost less in Medicare. What a horrid idea!!! :rolleyes:

{The program will soon be expanded to 24 beds and healthcare providers in other Canadian provinces and the United States have expressed interest in setting up their own}
Its a triple warm fuzzy from social engineering; a warm fuzzy from inapproproate taxation, a warm fuzzy from the dead because they are in a happier place because they were beyond saving anyway, and a warm fuzzy from those actually saved.
SouthernN'Proud said:
And the rest will end up dead like those 3 with alcohol related fatalities.

Cost of doing business?
Leave them alone and your death-rate jumps up to nearly 100%. Wheat with the chaff.

The alternative is pay more out of our taxes later when their livers give out and we have to hospitalize. Or arrest them for Drunk and Disorderly, use tax money to get them clean and sober and then toss them back onto the streets where they'll get drunk and disorderly again.

If the bottom line appears warm and fuzzy but saves tax dollars :shrug:
Hmm.. perhaps no jail, no clean up, no hospital, soylent green would shore up those tax costs. Time to bring back chain gangs and debtors prisons... let 'em build the highways. The alternative is the entire country effectively being in a debtors prison
rrfield said:
Big freakin' deal. America (and others) gives methadone to heroin addicts all the time.

Yep. Something I'm personally against. If they wanted to help the heroin junkies, they'd make them go through withdrawal. No methadone, or any other substitute. You can't cure an addiction by switching it to another addiction.
rrfield said:
Big freakin' deal. America (and others) gives methadone to heroin addicts all the time.

Stupidly but do the health clinics advertise they fact that methadone will improve the lives of junkies & lessen the number of run-ins with police?
Gonz said:
Stupidly but do the health clinics advertise they fact that methadone will improve the lives of junkies & lessen the number of run-ins with police?

Sadly, yes. I know of three with 5 minutes drive of here.
rrfield said:
Don't know, when I need my heroin fix I fake an injury to get oxycontin from the ER.

Not the same high. Besides...faking injuries just for the drugs is a red flag in just about every hospital and clinic lately.
I don't really do that :) I used to work with junkies at a movie theater, that was one of their tricks. They actually prefered oxycontin to heroin.