Why Would United States Senators Vote to Protect Corporations Over Rape Victims?

Simple, they are OTC members, and since a liberal proposed the idea, it has to be a bad one.

Fucking A Paul.

Next, we need to pass a law that says Americans are welcome to use Canadian healthcare, without charge.
She should have justice in a rape regardless of who's jurisdiction she's under. Which is what the bill addresses.

Oh and that's a more anti-American site.
Fucking A Paul.

Next, we need to pass a law that says Americans are welcome to use Canadian healthcare, without charge.

sure, just give up your guns, and your self-important attitudes, and you can come on in.

as soon as you pass the french test.
Imperial Socialism, that is the answer.

....besides, the hooker was 'prolly asking for it anyway.

maybe chicks shouldn't be in forward operations.

All sex is rape.
Therefore all rape is Mmmm Mmmm Good.

Raped and raped again!

She must have been writhe with pheromones, how could they help themselves?

Keeps em coming back for moar!

Shit, rape must be a fun game, I hope you still like it if you ever get the home version.
That’s right she prolly was out flouncing about
without being accompanied by a male relative.