Suicide Bombers. War and Pestilence. Roman Catholic Priest molestations of children. Jerry Springer. Kids being arrested for trivilities while adults go free for heinous crimes(I'm waiting for OJ to try to step through these gates). Riots at sporting events. Mother Theresa is here and Bill Clinton isn't. Nothing matters if it's not PC.

:confuse3: but GOD ALMIGHTY, I was truly hoping that you'd be able to explain all of the horrendous things in the world to me someday. Now I am doomed to never know :( *sniffle* :crying4:
And I smelled a sweet savor; and I said in mine heart, I will not again curse the ground any more for man's sake; for the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth: neither will I again smite any more every thing living, as I have done.
I have to agree with leslie on this one. If you're the almighty, then you should know what we have done and why we have done it. ;)
Originally posted by GOD ALMIGHTY

for the imagination of man's heart is evil from his youth

I have to ask, what'd you create us with those tendencies for then? :confuse3:
He didn't create us like that. We chose to be like that. It all started with Adam and Eve. BTW, Eve took the first bite of the apple and then exerted her feminine influence to make Adam take a bite.

I knew women always were the downfall of the human race! :eek: :D
Originally posted by sbcanada .
I knew women always were the downfall of the human race! :eek: :D
Originally posted by sbcanada
I'm offensive, I get bitched at.

alex is offensive, he gets laid. NO FAIR! :D
This is a delightful example of why you won't get laid. :p
Originally posted by sbcanada
I knew women always were the downfall of the human race! :eek: :D

Hell, if you're not careful, you're gonna start your own goddamn war! :eek:

Ladies, who'd like first pop? :D :headbang:

*Q*, preach on ;)
Originally posted by outside looking in
I have to agree with leslie on this one. If you're the almighty, then you should know what we have done and why we have done it. ;)

I know the hearts of man, however, contrary to popular belief, I have more important things to do than listen to each of your thoughts independently

Originally posted by sbcanada
I knew women always were the downfall of the human race!

Do you wish to not procreate? Watch thy tongue boy of few years :biker:
I have to ask, what'd you create us with those tendencies for then?

We were given the gift of free will. We can do whatever the hell we want to. That means we don't have to believe in God. He didn't make us slaves, forcing us to believe.