Wife Swap/Trading Spouses


New Member
I'm not sure which one I watched last night, but did anyone else see it? It's the one where the Iowa farm people are on the raw food diet. Those people were eating raw chicken and raw beef. They don't drink water because they believe that animal fat hydrates their bodies *gag*

I think I'm pretty open-minded about food, I mean, I eat raw seafood. But no water? And they believe don't believe in killing germs, "God put germs on earth and he wouldn't put anything on earth that would harm us." Whoa! Sure. Go swim with a shark and see if the shark will harm you.
There are plenty of strange people in the world...deluded in some way or another. Eventually, they'll get themselves a bad side of beef and maybe the funeral will teach them a lesson.
Raw beef is edible under some circumstances (steak tartar). Raw chicken is begging for a good case of salmonella. Raw pork is asking for a case of trichinosis. I prefer all my foods cooked, as even raw fish can give you undesirable consequences if not handled properly...
Raw beef requires some pretty stringent efforts to be made to keep it healthy...I somehow doubt that a family that thinks that germs are good for you and shouldn't be killed will go through the efforts necessary to keep themselves within those strict guidelines.
Raw beef requires some pretty stringent efforts to be made to keep it healthy...I somehow doubt that a family that thinks that germs are good for you and shouldn't be killed will go through the efforts necessary to keep themselves within those strict guidelines.

Not entirely true. Deep muscle beef can be consumed raw, hence the steak tartar. Ground beef may never be consumed raw, hence e-coli. As for the 'germs are good for you' line, it is possible to self-immunize that way.. Not very likely, but possible. What do you think most vaccinations used to be? Weakened strains of the disease, or a small dose. :shrug: Like I said...I wouldn't do it, but it takes all kinds...
I watched that show too. I was pretty disgusted myself when I saw what they were eating and drinking. *puke2* I think what gave the the chills was the state of the shower, toilet, and the rest of the house. I can understand immunization from germs, but to an extent. This was going overboard.
Not entirely true. Deep muscle beef can be consumed raw, hence the steak tartar. Ground beef may never be consumed raw, hence e-coli. As for the 'germs are good for you' line, it is possible to self-immunize that way.. Not very likely, but possible. What do you think most vaccinations used to be? Weakened strains of the disease, or a small dose. :shrug: Like I said...I wouldn't do it, but it takes all kinds...

Hamburger is usually ground well in advance and the bacteria can grow thoughout,Tartar is usually chopped/ground right before preparing ,so its safer.Kinda like why the cut melons(cantaloupe/watermelon etc..) in the grocery store must be on ice and the uncut ones don't.
Living on a secluded farm with the nearest town 45 minutes away, the family prides itself on a self-sustained existence where food is grown, harvested and killed on their property with minimal help from the outside world.

The family lives by a raw food philosophy that includes raw beef and chicken, spoiled cheese and un-pasteurized milk. They brush their teeth with a mixture of home made honey-butter and clay and only shower on occasion, as "bacteria is their friend."

Barbara bucks at the pressure she feels society puts on people to become prepackaged clones and tries to keep most forms of "mainstream" culture out of her household. She "unschools" her kids using farm chores as the classroom - if you call counting eggs a math class.
Hamburger is usually ground well in advance and the bacteria can grow thoughout,Tartar is usually chopped/ground right before preparing ,so its safer.Kinda like why the cut melons(cantaloupe/watermelon etc..) in the grocery store must be on ice and the uncut ones don't.

The whole being better than the sum of its parts...;)
Their milk disgusted me too. They have their own milk cows, but they stored their milk in the bucket downstairs ... not sanitized because germs are friends.