Wii Fit

How strange is it that the ad on page 1 was gaythugdating.com and the ad on the second page was the "until the end" ringtone?
We got one yesterday, turns out I'm not quite balanced (I tend to put more weight on the back of my feet, but both legs receive the same weight 49/51). I have a BMI of 23 something and my Wii Fit Age is 42 :lol:
That's a good bmi... wtf dudez with yer age though. :lol:

I want one... :(

On a happier note, my bmi's 23.7. After being overweight for the last few years, this is awesome. :headbang:
That's a good bmi... wtf dudez with yer age though. :lol:

I want one... :(

On a happier note, my bmi's 23.7. After being overweight for the last few years, this is awesome. :headbang:

It computes your wiifit age based on tests, it tested my balance and it sums up if you are not standing completely still and in complete balance. On a bright note, my wii fit age as of lastnight is 35.

You should get one, it is quite fun, thou the yoga is boring hehe.

Congrats on your bmi!! :beerbang:
Still sold out in my area. None to be had at all.

Although GameSpot had stack of teaser empty boxes when I went in the other day making it look like they had them in stock.
I've actually been seeing the consoles for sale more now ,we even have them in stock,I know where my bonus is going :headbang:
I think I'd love the yoga.

I absolutely love any yoga and this one specially :). I`m actually trying to put some weight on, like ten pounds maybe. Wii fit says I need 20 more but I don`t think so, that`s too much:eek5:. When we first got it I was 40:lol: and now my age is 25! I absolutely love this and I recommend it :D
Thanks! I just started a yoga class that meets once a week and I thought it might be nice to practice at home...but I am not familiar enough with yoga to do it without guidance.
I like it! It's very...centering, for lack of a better word. Plus I feel all loose and stretchy when it's over. Some of it is quite a workout too...maintaining some of the positions for a long period is tough for me.
What I mean by guidance is that I don't know all the yoga positions yet and what moves to make on an exhale or inhale etc.
My teacher is a very positive Indian woman and it's a pretty small class so it's good.
me and kittie played it tonight at our friend shannon's house, and it was a lot of fun. i liked shaking my controller too hard while running and falling down on purpose. it also said my fitness age is 20, though, which is weird because i'm 22 and i thought it would have been much older.
I like it! It's very...centering, for lack of a better word. Plus I feel all loose and stretchy when it's over. Some of it is quite a workout too...maintaining some of the positions for a long period is tough for me.
What I mean by guidance is that I don't know all the yoga positions yet and what moves to make on an exhale or inhale etc.
My teacher is a very positive Indian woman and it's a pretty small class so it's good.

You are gonna get addicted to it, I mean it!! It`s important to have guidance at first and when you get the hang of it, wii yoga will be just as enjoyable :D
My BMI is Underweight, and my Wii Fit age is the same as my real age. Can't complain :)

Oh, and I am the hula hoop MASTER. Beat all my friends' scores on the first try. They all told me I looked like a professional. Not sure if that's a good or bad thing...
My BMI is Underweight, and my Wii Fit age is the same as my real age. Can't complain :)

Oh, and I am the hula hoop MASTER. Beat all my friends' scores on the first try. They all told me I looked like a professional. Not sure if that's a good or bad thing...

I'm calorie incinerator! :D