"Will Vote For FOOD"-(wouldn't you?)

tank girl said:
What I am saying is that the media hype is something that we should be aware about especially if you genuinely care about what is happening in Iraq and not what the media wants to tell you :Shrug:

Ask a Marine how things are in Iraq, he'll tell you tolerable & improving, with bad spots.

Ask an Iraqi how things are going & they'll tell you better than before & not as good as tomorow.

Ask a reporter how things are in Iraq & he'll tell you things couldn't be much worse.

Who has the media hype?
The soldier has Political PR hype...a soldiers patriotic duty. (both british and U.S)

The Iraqi citizen can't be generalised like that...
it all depends where their interests lie. Like in food for instance. Survival...(or political, personal, religious ties- though for most I guess those three are inextricably tied)

the commercial for-profit Media has commercially branded Media hype... catered towards the interests of the largest audience.

Its News-hour soap opera.

The commercial media is a business concerned with their priorities lie in simplification and sensation....all within an extremely restricted time frame...

don't try and tell me they are capable of coming out with anything but spin and hype - sure the information is there but just not in detail Skimming over the headlines with as little depth as possible - convienient and satisfying with a mythic sensibility by its side.

Of course there is a spectrum to how much of this is done but for a commercial station the interest is always in promotion and increasing market size - audience size - to sell time to advertisers - to sell a specific demographic to advertisers - to maximise profit.

Making the information accessable to the masses as well as grabbing their hearts and minds is the no. one priority as it is a no-brainer - it is an arena of distraction from the real issues in masquerade as the real issues - holding audiences glazed at the t.v screen long enough to digest the next round of advertisements.
Bigot: A prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from his own

I think you'd better re-evaluate your understanding of bigotry :shrug:

I'm actually very optimistic, just also highly critical.
I also should let you know that that is quite an accurate representation of the way contemporary media operates; it shouldn't be a pessimistic one at all - if you're a neo-conservative american, right now - I daresay.
I should know, I got an A+ in that last paper of mine all about that sort of thing.

Things will change - One day people will be just so sick of the bullshit they'll boycott t.v and Newspapers and find independent sources online.

Theres my optimism kicking in for you.

Washington — A group of students from Evangel University attending a conference in Washington, D.C., got a surprise invitation to talk politics with officials at the Iraqi Embassy on Friday.

Daniel Hubert, 20, a senior from Milwaukee, said he asked how difficult it would be for the Iraqi people to make the transition to democracy.

"They said they believed that democracy would evolve in Iraq because the people were tired of being oppressed by Saddam," Hubert said.

The officials did not predict what percentage of Iraqis will vote on Sunday, the students said.

But they did say some Iraqis might invoke their right not to vote. All Iraqis were required to vote during Saddam Hussein's reign. Embassy officials told the students that Iraqis who refused to vote for Saddam lost their jobs or food rations, Hubert said.

Following are reports on Sunday's election in Iraq from Washington Post reporters and special correspondents across the country.

Special correspondent Salih Saif Aldin in Tikrit: A rumor spread here that anyone who did not vote would lose his or her food rations. But that did nothing to boost turnout in ousted president Saddam Hussein's home town.

"It is a very weak participation in Tikrit," said Khalaf Muhammed, 43, the electoral commission official in charge of a polling station in the city's center -- who acknowledged spreading the false rumor to try to lure voters.

"Even though we spread a rumor in the city saying anyone who doesn't vote will be deprived of their food ration, only 10 people voted . . . mostly old men."

The rumor about food rations also was rife in the Sunni neighborhoods of Baghdad, gaining credence because voter registration rolls were taken from centralized records for the ration of rice, flour, oil and other staples.

Wow. I would've guessed that from a website named truthout :tomato: that everything they posted was the TRUTH. It would appear, however, that their motto is "All the truth that's print to fit." As in: to fit their vision of what they wish is true. Liberal website=liberal distortions.
ClaireBear said:
This is one of the many examples of why I don't get involved in RW debates...


I 2nd that motion.......... :lloyd:

But I LUV to read what Sammy and Gonz have to say in this thread, they are just the rebutal greatest when it comes to the "Real World"...

(No Offense Tank Girl, I'm not doubting your credibility in the RW, I just love reading their responses.)
Aww shucks.
I just am like mulder. seeking the truth from people. digging for answers. wanting the unexplainable explained. Im normally pretty quiet in here too.
runs to hide and puts tape over keyboard for a while.
tank girl said:
Things will change - One day people will be just so sick of the bullshit they'll boycott t.v and Newspapers and find independent sources online.

You are so behind the times. We have found indendent sources. That's why the conservatives have won more & more political races. 40+ years of liberal spin & governing has come crashing down around the ears of those who wish to remove competition & truth.

1993...the government belongs to the liberlas.

2005...the conservatives have majority poer in most states & at the federal level. CBS, CNN, ABC, the NY Times, the Washington Post, the LA Times, Nesweek, Time, et al, have lost their superior edge to truth.