HA!!! I told you the pussification of the male was gonna do us in. You all thought I was some kind of neanderthal knuckle dragger. Well, you were wrong. Now I have proof that all the sissy boys with their stupid feelings & sensitivity was a ploy by the "Fucking Ugly-assed Lesbians, All Men are Scum Organization" to destroy the seed bearers. Y'all better start stocking up on batteries.
NY Post said:August 24, 2003
Bad news, guys. Your kind has just 125,000 years to live.
That's the dire prediction of a British academic who argues a female-only world is a distinct possibility.
While urban men are increasingly being classified as feminized "metrosexuals" - happy to be high-maintenance, manicured fellows who worry about their hair - that's not the reason men face extinction, the scientist says.
Man's demise will be caused by science - genetics, to be specific.
The problem is that the Y chromosome - the one that makes a baby a male - is "decaying" at an alarming rate, says Bryan Sykes, professor of human genetics at Oxford University.
Unlike the female X chromosome, which has a "twin" and can repair itself and minimize bad mutations, the male's solo Y chromosome keeps accumulating problems as it advances through evolution, Sykes contends in his new book, "Adam's Curse."