hey Tonks .. I know exactly what you mean - in my 30's I started breaking out like I was a teenager .. mostly on my chin and cheeks which is weird because I didn't have pimples on my cheeks before. Anyway, at the risk of sounding like an infomercial, I tried everything .. literally. The only thing that works for me is ProActive. Yup. it really does work and it's worth every penny. I have had like 3 pimples in the last year and a half that I've been using it. Plus, I never have to worry about running out because it comes every other month like clockwork. Be careful though because there's a generic version that's sold in drugstores (which I tried first) and all it did was dry and burn my skin...
hey Tonks .. I know exactly what you mean - in my 30's I started breaking out like I was a teenager .. mostly on my chin and cheeks which is weird because I didn't have pimples on my cheeks before. Anyway, at the risk of sounding like an infomercial, I tried everything .. literally. The only thing that works for me is ProActive. Yup. it really does work and it's worth every penny. I have had like 3 pimples in the last year and a half that I've been using it. Plus, I never have to worry about running out because it comes every other month like clockwork. Be careful though because there's a generic version that's sold in drugstores (which I tried first) and all it did was dry and burn my skin...
Nalani, do you have sensitive skin? Since 30 I have been breaking out on my chin and neck like crazy! I have wondered about ProActive, but so many products break me out further. ie Mary Kay makes my face look like ground beef.
I thought about trying that stuff! It would have been my main choice but for my fear of aging.
I went back to Bath & Body Works for more of the cleanser today. It really seems to be working. Even that zit that Rob so tactfully refers to as "indefeatable" is going away. I also got a coupon for a free bottle of the regenerating cream when I purchase something else. This coupon is good during the week of the 15th so by then I will have run out of moistizer so GOOD DEAL!
I never used to have sensitive skin but like you, since turning 30, it seemed like anything I tried just irritated my face. ProActive was the only stuff that not only cleared the acne but actually made my complection way nicer and more even .. I don't use foundation anymore, just powder. Honest.
Question...you know how when you start a new product, or get a facial, your face breaks out even worse for a bit? Supposedly because the impurities are coming out...did this happed with you when you started ProActive? I ask, because this will determine WHEN I would start it.