Winter came back...

Aunty Em

Well-Known Member
Bah, humbug, I hate rain... :grumpy:

I guess this means i have to get on with rebuilding my Pentium 75MHz Apricot MS540.

Goes to find a natural bristle brush from her painting kit... all the buff says I can use a natural bristle brush to clean the dust bunnies off the mobo... I found my manual KVM yesterday too, so I can put it on the same screen as my cyrix, (it should fit on the printer shelf).

I've got some old Star Wars and Star Trek games that should play on '95. I decided to use em for some old games I have, for when the kids come to play. :)

Only trouble is... I have to pick up and sort out all the screws I dropped on the floor last night when I accidentally knocked the box I keep them in off the workbench... several thousand screws later...
Mmmkay....not sure why you want winter back though - in winter it's too cold to go ot...besides you're in England innit? Crap weather year round ;)
I was going to offer you some coffee...but I guess I can drink it all myself now
Thanks. I got the Apricot working. It's a 120 MHz not a 75MHz as I was told. But it's an AT mobo, which I've never worked on before and it isn't detecting the drives atm, so I must have put the cables on the wrong way round. There are no guides on the IDE sockets like on an ATX and I can't find any indication to say which is pin 1.

But that's just a minor nuisance... it lives!... and is giving me all the standard error codes for missing drives etc. :lol:

I must say it's nice and clean inside now as well. That natural bristle brush was great for cleaning everything off. I'm gonna keep it in my toolkit from now on. :)
Yeah, I've got this thing about buying canned air... why? It seems kinda pointless to me if I can blow the dust off anyway, not to mention wasteful. I only use it as a last resort.
The only time I use canned air is when paired with a vacumn. Otherwise it just settles again. Or worse, gets blasted under a chip.
Aunty Em said:
Thanks. I got the Apricot working. It's a 120 MHz not a 75MHz as I was told. But it's an AT mobo, which I've never worked on before and it isn't detecting the drives atm, so I must have put the cables on the wrong way round. There are no guides on the IDE sockets like on an ATX and I can't find any indication to say which is pin 1.

THose older guys sometimes lose their IDE channels. I've seen it more than once with ancient hardware, and anything in baby AT these days pretty well qualifies. On the plus side, super I/O cards are quite cheap.

It's also probable that the BIOS does not auto detect. You may have to go in and manually set the cylinders, etc.
HomeLAN said:
THose older guys sometimes lose their IDE channels. I've seen it more than once with ancient hardware, and anything in baby AT these days pretty well qualifies. On the plus side, super I/O cards are quite cheap.

It's also probable that the BIOS does not auto detect. You may have to go in and manually set the cylinders, etc.
Oh bugger I forgot all about that. Looks like I might be busy tomorrow then. Well it's got 1 pci slot so I guess I need an ide controller if I can't get it to play ball. But it's not detecting the FDD either so we'll see.

I didn't see any lights on so it may be a power problem. I'll have to test the power supply.

Edit: Well they do appear to be getting power, but it's not reading the the '98 start-up disc. It's not detecting the a drive in the bios or the hdd, but it does detect the cd rom (secondary controller) and I can't see any way of manually putting the hdd info into the bios.
Professur said:
The only time I use canned air is when paired with a vacumn. Otherwise it just settles again. Or worse, gets blasted under a chip.
I use canned air to blast dust off my records.