Wisconsin is Greece

yeah, the grumpy union wage slaves vs. the repooplicans and their brainwashed wage slave voters. with all that smart going around, who could possbily win?

Certainly not the softhanded kollege monkeys
Picture of the week.


Filthy liberals.
edited Reagan said:
It is for this reason that I must tell those who fail to report for duty this morning if they do not report for work within 48 hours, they have forfeited their jobs and will be terminated.

What about the children?
Confirmed for brawl, getting traction.


I'ma gonna' go out on limb and wonder what type of fraud it is to conspire to get sick pay when your not sick, neither is your patient.
you're right, RM. merely being a loyal member of the right team is your guarantee to eternal salvation and bliss.
personally, I think unions are good in some cases, but they should NEVER
be aloud in any government function.
of coarse...
I also don't think government should be involved at all in education.

I'm with Ron Paul on this one...
abolish the dept. of Education. period
personally, I think unions are good in some cases, but they should NEVER
be aloud in any government function.
I think they serve a purpose when they're not a racket. All the major unions are a racket these days. I really think it's time break some of them, and kill the government ones.

How much does 'union made' increase the price of a car?
yeah the only decent unions I've seen, and on a pretty small scale.
When it becomes big business, it never seems to work out. Greed.

Yeah, the car industry is too big for a union to work right.
Fitzgerald said the Senate is ready to act on the so-called "budget repair" bill just as up as soon as 14 Senate Democrats who fled the state on Thursday and remain in hiding return to the Statehouse. The missing Democrats have threatened to stay away for weeks unless Walker agrees to negotiate.

Those 14 have now been in "dereliction of duty", and a violation of oath of office.
Time for um to throw them out, and have a special election.
keep in mind gonz that without unions someone like you would never be able to support a family.

I am not a member of a union. Less than 3 years of my entire work history has been under a union banner.

As for what was, 60 years before my birth, it's all speculation. Funny, people "like me" have always held their own. Unions made them weak.
unions made them weak. there's that victim talk again.

but you're right in the sense that we will always need people like you to mop floors. you just get paid better to do it because of unions. but i think it would be swell if people like you cost people like me less.
union or no....
I've been listening to sound bites of some of what these so-called teachers have been saying now.
Let me just say, they shouldn't even be around kids, much less teaching in a public school.
They are whacked.