Wisdom Teeth...

Ash, if you are so certain her head is going to explode
from the natural process of her teeth coming in...

Then please race down south and cut them outta
her face tonight!!!
i just gotta hop in the car and drive probably less than an hour away :)

and its not super urgent. it's just that she has had probably thousands of dollars of otrhodontic work done, and when that happens, you don't want to take your chances with messing it up. i had braces for four years, and i know that i certainly don't want to take the chance of having my teeth become misaligned again. ive already been through too much to get this beautiful smile.

and why live with the pain of having them when you could go through a bit of temporary pain to never have that pain again?
We found out Monday that Marlowes orthodontic work will begin next summer at the ripe old age of 7. She'll be getting some form of wire dealie that will cut her brace wearing time down from 10 years to 2 years.
awww, it'll be ok. i started at 5, and was completely done at 12... and had awesome school pictures ever since. it's good to start young. you're more move-around-able then.
Yeah, I'll be glad to do whatever will make it easier on her. They want to wait until her top teeth come in.
Do you realize how insane it is to think about putting braces on teeth that
haven't even come in yet, is?

That orthodontist wants two beemers offa you.

Really the poor kid.

If there's a real need for braces it would be for two years when she's in high school.

Truly I saw the x-ray of my kids teeth when he was nine and ten and it was truly frightful, now they are all straight as can be without ever having to wear braces.

I'm just sayin'
what if the poor kid really never did have to wear braces?
she didnt say she's putting them on teeth that haven't come in yet... she said they're waiting for them TO come in.

and your kids are kind of anomalous.
yes he was and continues to be
and yes I can read
perhaps you'd care to peruse her post again?
She has the same overbite as I have. Carbon copy. The only thing we are uncertain about is if she will need a to have a frenectomy as I will have. That is another reason we are anxious to see the top teeth come in.
My mother never saw fit to see to my orthodontic health and I will not be as neglectful.
The frenectomy in this case refers to the hard ridge of skin between the front two teeth. Mine (and perhaps Marlowe's) is over pronounced causing a gap between the front 2 teeth.
Well then by all means snip it outta there
BEFORE the top teeth come in, Right?

We won't know how they are coming in until they come in. We do know that the other top teeth are further in front of the bottom teeth than they should be so we know there is need for orthodontic work.
Mine started coming in a few years ago and probably took over a year easily for them to finally stop coming up. They made the gums quite sore for that year, but now they are fine, I think. I haven't been to the dentist in a lonnnnnng time for anything except for chipped and broken teeth. Mine all feel pretty straight when I touch them with my tongue, and did not affect my other teeth... bu I really should make an appointment since it's been much longer than I am willing to admit that I have been in for a cleaning.....
Well good luck with that...

I'm jus sayin' my kid was the tallest in his class
but he just looked short and fat (to us)
inside of a year he shot up a foot and a half
but his lower face hadn't caught up (looked silly as hell)
then as nature took its course it all turned out great

gurls normally reach their adult height by age 14
(some grow a lil more past that)
it would be a shame for the lil thing to spend years and years
in braces, when a 24 month stint (14-16)
would suffice.