Wish I had a vid camera for that!


New Member
V2.0 just heard "Dance to the Music" on the Shrek DVD Karoke deal and liked the tune, so I dug out the Sly and the Family Stone original.

Kid was flat getting DOWN! Funniest thing I've seen in days. :D
unclehobart said:
The mind doth boggle. Get it on tape if naught for bribe value down the road.

No, no, no. That's not bribe material, that's payback material. "Oh, your the boy's new young lady friend? Let's go to the video." Mwuahhahahaha.
I hate when I don't have a camera for the cutest moments. Then again, I would rather enjoy that moment with my child than run off for the camera to find that I missed the entire thing.

When Alex was right at a year old I was washing off the coffee tables and I heard a muffled "mama". I turned around to see her sitting with a green toy bucket on her head. She lifted the bucket off her face and giggled "peek-a-boo". I was so glad the camera was in her diaper bag right next to the door. I love those pictures so much. Even if I do catch a lot o crap for the WIndex being left out on the table in the picture.
I'm heading out to watch the 6 year old on the occasion of his first time on ice skates. Maaaaan I wish I had a video camera for this! :lloyd:

he did REALLY well. He fell a bajillion times, but by the end he was doin a passable facsimile of skating. It was a hoot, 4 classes of kids from aged 6 through 8. Some were flying around, some couldn't even stand up. Awesome to watch. :D