Wish me luck :D

Final interview for that job tomorrow! :headbang: If my luck is really with me i can get assigned to managerial duties around this area of the business :headbang: if not.. well it might be a move to Luton in the future :eh:
If you need any references...just direct them here :D

I'm sure you'll do great...but I'll be thinking about you anyway.
kuulani said:
Good luck to you ... what's in Luton?

nothing - its a barren wasteland somewhere north of london. still, it could be worse - he could be heading to milton keynes :eek:
Major possible changes ahead, i got about 2 yrs in Luton, then they wanna send me to sweden for further training and quite possibly to stay there to manage a big network :eek:
:eek: SWEDEN!!! :eek: land of the big-titted blondes :D

Well, I hope you make the right decisions over what you want to do. But it would be interesting to go over to sweden, did they say how long you would be over there for?

Oh, and good luck (a bit late mind you) :dance:
:D lol you're gonna get me killed dude :D 1 year training... quite possible if i step up in the ladder it could be my new home :cool:
Hmmm, interesting :)

If you're there for one year, you can check out the babes :D and if they don't appeal to you, you don't take the job any further :p

Nah, seriously Justin, I hope it goes well for you :) Let us know what you're decisions are though... we want to hear how much money you're going to be making :headbang: