Wolfowitz:"We just had no choice in Iraq. The country swims on a sea of oil."

Gonz said:
flavio said:
1. Clinton is not our president, hasn't been for years.

2. he did not order the invasion and occupation of Iraq that we are now dealing with.

3. There is no doubt that there has been an ongoing situation in Iraq that needed out attention. The way the current administration has chosen to handle it is the problem.

At least Bush was leader enough to handle this situation. Clinton didn't have the cajones.

Yep, it sure took a lot of cajones to make a mess of these proportions. Not that it's anything to be proud of.
Gonz said:
flavio said:
1. Clinton is not our president, hasn't been for years.

2. he did not order the invasion and occupation of Iraq that we are now dealing with.

3. There is no doubt that there has been an ongoing situation in Iraq that needed out attention. The way the current administration has chosen to handle it is the problem.

At least Bush was leader enough to handle this situation. Clinton didn't have the cajones.

perhaps his balls are bigger than his brain.

it would seem the situation was not what we lead it to be. clinton lied about a bit of nooky and everyone recalls what a dishonest man he was, without integrity.

it might well be that bush has lied about far more serious things with some far reaching results - his integrity may demand the same scrutiny and if found wanting who will stand for his removal from office?
ris said:
his integrity may demand the same scrutiny and if found wanting who will stand for his removal from office?
Certainly not! We kicked ass. It's the American way, nobody gets in trouble for kicking ass. Getting a little ass, on the other hand....

hehehe, i get the idea - if you re going to lie to congress then do it over a war you've won. no-one will give a stuff about the military and civilian lives lost for untruths.

but whatever you do, don't lie about your personal life, it ruins your integrity :D
Um... OK... I have it on the best intelligence that France is gearing up to take over the world... we should make a pre-emptive stirke before they turn tail and run... and spoil the fun! :lol:
whatever happens its always been ok to lie to the french, they're not real people like we are :nuts2: :D
It's a favourite English past-time.... French Bashing. You know why they make all the perfume don't you... because they rarely wash! :eek:

Most of it is so strong it makes me want to throw up! *puke*
Nowt wrong with my teeth... my dentist told me so!

*another successful tread-jacking!

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are your BBSers virtually wringing each others necks?
Then call for Thread-jackers Anonymous
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