Woman admits stomping boy, 4, to death

I'm not trying to defend Mr. C. S., but I don't think I learned the length of a mile in school. I know, and have known for a long time, that it's 5,280 feet, and that a quarter-mile is 1,320 feet. I learned the quarter-mile from paying attention to the automotive industry, wherein a vehicle's quarter-mile time is a very important benchmark. I forget how or why I learned the mile, but I do remember this: One ordinary day in a 9th-grade science class, it was a trivia question, and I gave the correct answer, and the teacher was amazed that anyone knew it.

Inkara1: :p
chcr said:
I find it horrifying that someone can get out of elementary school without knowing that.

Then I guess I owe an apology since I did not learn that until I took Earth Science in high school.
Yes, but you guys are both fairly young and it's really a tribute to you that you managed to learn anything at all in the schools you went to.
freako104 said:
Then I guess I owe an apology since I did not learn that until I took Earth Science in high school.
Curiously enough, if you look at my post right above yours, when I mention a 9th-grade science class, it actually was in fact Earth Science.
I learned it when I was about 8 years old. I had one of those Trapper Keeper notebooks that had all kinds of math tables and common useage conversion tables splayed all over it. I picked it up by sheer osmosis.
JJR512 said:
Curiously enough, if you look at my post right above yours, when I mention a 9th-grade science class, it actually was in fact Earth Science.

Mine in 9th grade was matter and energy. I didnt have Earth Science as an elective until I was in the 11th grade. Which again was partially why I apologised since I not only didnt learn that in elementary but late HS at that. I do feel MD schools for the most part(Montgomery County per se. I am not familiar with other county schools) were pretty high quality