Woman ordered to pose nude for trial

If this crime was a 35 year old man having sex with a 14 year old girl, people would be out in the streets screaming for the man's blood, and the man's face would be in every newspaper. Whay don't we hear people screaming for the woman's blood? Whay don't we see her face? Is this justice?
You know Gato, despite what some people want everyone to believe, there are differences between men and women... and not just in the way they look, but in the way they think. I can't think of many of my female friends that I would press charges against if they forceably tied me up and had their way with me.


I might think they were sick, or perhaps be forever attracted to them, but I wouldn't press charges.

On the other hand, I can't think of a single female friend that would not throw me in the slammer in a second if I did that to her.

I consider myself to be a normal, well adjusted guy, so if I feel this way I don't think it's uncommon.

And about that pic... she did that on purpose? :confuse3: :eek:
True, but a 35 year old woman and a 14 year old boy? Come on. Even women say that 14 year old girls are more emotionally mature than 14 year old boys. Sexual abuse is sexual abuse, regardless of gender. Once you make one less traumatic, or criminal, than the other, you make one gender superior to the other. No matter which way you decide, someone took advantage of a child.

You know Gato, despite what some people want everyone to believe, there are differences between men and women... and not just in the way they look, but in the way they think. I can't think of many of my female friends that I would press charges against if they forceably tied me up and had their way with me.

Joking, or not, this is still a criminal act if you are a minor, and she is an adult. Just as it would be if you are the 35 year old perpetrator and the victim is a 14 year old girl. Plus your picture would be on the evening news, and in the news paper, and on posters on telephone poles, and...etc. Please spare me the liberal 'men and women are different' bull. I know that men and women are different. I have another statement for you...'Equal under the law...'
As a woman, I agree with Gato, it's horrendous what she's done.

Any woman of that age would/should know that a 14 year old boy is a child. Hell, I'd venture to say that most 18 year old boys are children most of the time. :p :D

This is abuse, plain and simple, and there should be an outcry as there would be if a male was the perpetrator.

He may have enjoyed it, as would most 14 year old boys I think, but she had no right to do it, and he wasn't old enough legally or mentally to make that kind of decision. As the adult, she made the decision, and with that, she decided in favour of child abuse.
the notion of a sexually predatory female is still one that is not given enough credence.
i'd venture that most men remain as children well into their 20s, it's just disguised as youthful exhuberance :D
Yeah, this definitely sounds like a case Donald Thompson would have loved to have presided over. :D
I'd ask instead, what's wrong with these teens?

Is not like she raped him :rolleyes:
An officer may not have relations with an inferior officer or any enlisted personel. Teachers, being in similar situations, should be held to similar limitations. Power is the seperator.
Gonz said:
An officer may not have relations with an inferior officer or any enlisted personel.

In their chain of command. ;)

Gonz said:
Teachers, being in similar situations, should be held to similar limitations. Power is the seperator.

Not quite the same thing. We have a line in society that seperates children from adults. That is what was crossed.
Gato_Solo said:
Not quite the same thing. We have a line in society that seperates children from adults. That is what was crossed.

A 17 year old, in this situation, is not considered a child. I agree with the actual charge filed.