Women and their pointless insecurities!!!!

People are judged by many things and weight/age is something you can judge a woman on moreso than a man. Image is too important, I think we can all agree on that. But we all still judge people on it anyway, whether you think you do or not.

My question is, if weight and age are unimportant, why ask in the first place? There were so many guys who would IM me out of the blue and that was their first two questions. I tend not to like guys or people in general that place that much importance on it. So if you ask, I probably won't tell because I don't like that you asked in the first place. Not because I'm ashamed of it.

I turned 31 last Thursday and weighed myself the same day. I'm 198 and 5'10". Pretty big, right? I'm the same weight in my photo gallery pic and you probably wouldn't have guessed that I was 200 in that pic. It's just not a good representation of anything, weight and age. I've met 40 year olds that complain so much, you would think they were on their deathbed. And me, I can't believe I'm 31. I still have a mindset of young 20's. :shrug:
greenfreak said:
People are judged by many things and weight/age is something you can judge a woman on moreso than a man.

Physically, yes. But men also have such a question - "how much do you earn?". Why it's rude to ask this is precisely the same reason you can't ask women how much they weigh.

Oh you wanted the reason. It's quite simple - men are attracted (primarily) to youthfulness, women are attracted (primarily) to wealth. The answers to these two "taboo" questions largely define your attractiveness to the opposite sex.
a13antichrist said:
Oh you wanted the reason. It's quite simple - men are attracted (primarily) to youthfulness, women are attracted (primarily) to wealth. The answers to these two "taboo" questions largely define your attractiveness to the opposite sex.

and then, sadly enough, personality kicks in and the real asshole comes out. Now if we could only forgo this step in seeking relationships that would be great.
steweygrrrr said:
I'm around 180lbs and 60 per cent of that is flab :(

Really? i'm 5' 10" and 180lbs too, but when i am at 200lbs, i get hardly any flab, but no muscle to speak of either, I guess some peoples bodies take differently to mass? :D
Buttcrackdivine said:
and then, sadly enough, personality kicks in and the real asshole comes out. Now if we could only forgo this step in seeking relationships that would be great.

Yep, it would.
If your skeletal structure is wider, you will be "thinner" at a certain poundage than someone else whose skeleton is not as wide.
Secrecy is personality! Males are attracted to that! Take away the secrets, and what do women have in their "allure" arsenal?
personality,looks,lingerie,thongs,lesbianism do i need to go on? and women in my view have much prettier voices than men do. and breasteses.
freako104 said:
personality,looks,lingerie,thongs,lesbianism do i need to go on? and women in my view have much prettier voices than men do. and breasteses.

The average response of a flaming hetero......
beli_volk said:
Secrecy is personality! Males are attracted to that! Take away the secrets, and what do women have in their "allure" arsenal?

I dislike secrets, and i don't like women that play the "secrets game" with me.
Luis G said:
I dislike secrets, and i don't like women that play the "secrets game" with me.

Agreed....social and mind games hold back good relationships and only further widen the gender differences gap.
Make-up turns into a mask, bras enlarge breast size, personality is whatever she tells you at the moment... Lesbianism can be faked... Secrets all over! But then again, why spoil it for you...
freako104 said:
i like her knowing about me adn me knowing about her as well. buttcrack i didnt know i was on fire :p

Any man that mentions being a lesbien is one of the more alluring aspects of being a women is on fire with his heteroness.
beli_volk said:
But then again, why spoil it for you...

Because i want to know the person, i want to know the REAL things, and i want to love a woman because of what she is, not for what she pretends to be.