Women, question for you...


New Member
At work, do you use your feminine wiles to your advantage?

What I mean is, will you flirt, stroke a male coworker's ego, or otherwise do "girly things" to get the favor of the men you work with? For whatever reason, just to have a good relationship with them, for fun, or to get something you want?

I've gone through somewhat of a transformation recently with my appearance. I'm in a tech job so I didn't wear 'corporate' kind of stuff to work but that's changed recently because my job responsibilities changed.

And I found a place that had really nice stuff in my size so I went crazy, on a $500. shopping spree. All of a sudden, I'm in style, wearing nice clothes to work, sporting open toed shoes and painted toenails, the whole deal. After a few weeks of that and feeling pretty damn good about looking good, I go and get a new hairstyle. Where my hair was long and plain and I would always pull it back in a scrunchie before, now my hair is just past my shoulders, and I wear it down all the time. I also lightened it recently so it's a light reddish orange where before it was more mousy auburn. I have to tell you, I'm looking good these days. :brow: ;)

But here's what I noticed... A couple of my male coworkers have started paying closer attention to me. They're more courteous, going out of their way to do favors for me that they've never done before. And when they do this, I'm a little embarrassed about the attention so I actually wind up blushing or feeling a little shy about it. And they enjoy that affect they have and they do it more.

Now I'm thinking to myself, I did all of this for me. No other reason. But that's a nice byproduct to my appearance change. Have I been missing out on this all this time? Ladies, do you use what you've got to get what you want?

Men, feel free to comment on the women at your workplace who might do the same. :)
I agree with Tonks. Have fun being a girl. Don't be manipulative and coniving or anything, but it doesn't hurt to use girliness to your advantage. Besides, I find that when I'm my girliest I'm my happiest. It's just like ... I don't know. Like I don't have to be an adult for a little bit, I can get caught up in my own girly way.

For instance, I try really hard to have a "Girl Day" at least ... oh at least once a month or so. It varies on what I do, but it's usually a couple hours making me pretty and happy - facial, nail filing/painting, pedicure, lotioning everything, hot oil treatment for my hair, etc etc. :D It's fun and I always feel better afterwards.
greenfreak said:
But here's what I noticed... A couple of my male coworkers have started paying closer attention to me. They're more courteous, going out of their way to do favors for me that they've never done before.

gee, am I the only female here who finds this deeply depressing? :(
Ms Ann Thrope said:
gee, am I the only female here who finds this deeply depressing? :(
it's human nature...i'm nicer to the men i find attractive. not that i'm mean to the ugly ones, though....but that's life...you know?
still...that's not how it should be, is it? I'm nicer to men and women when they are intelligent and courteous. Couldn't care less if they're well-coiffed and wearing the latest trend...in fact, I usuallly reserve judgement if they look high-maintenance whereas if they're simply clean and neat I'm much more likely to be friendly...
Miss Ann Thrope

"What is" very much and almost always conflicts with "what should be". Humans have an ability to scan an entire face and pass judgement whether it is appealing or not in less than a second for a reason. Beautiful people make money simply on their looks for a reason. Modern culture is driven by good looks.
Ms Ann Thrope said:
still...that's not how it should be, is it? I'm nicer to men and women when they are intelligent and courteous. Couldn't care less if they're well-coiffed and wearing the latest trend...in fact, I usuallly reserve judgement if they look high-maintenance whereas if they're simply clean and neat I'm much more likely to be friendly...
hmm...well...then how do you show the people you are attractted to that you are? somehow, someway, subconciously or not - people will treat better that which they find pleasing. good thing not everybody finds the same people attractive, huh? as for me i couldn't be attracted to someone that wasn't intelligent, courteous, and clean...high maintenance? nothing worse....but differrent strokes for different folks is what i always say. :)
I agree with you, BCD, up to a point. On a person to person basis, we act according to our own moral and ethical standards. None of mine include any information on fashion or whatever the current social group I operate within considers "handsome" or "pretty." On the other hand, I've been guilty of not being terribly nice to men AND women that look like they spend more time shopping than reading. This is not right, either, and I'm working really hard on not judging people that way.
tonks said:
hmm...well...then how do you show the people you are attractted to that you are?

I smile more. I show interest in their life and what they enjoy. If I'm attracted to them, it's because we share interests, so conversation is easy and unforced. I don't change my usual attire to something I think might make me 'sexier' or 'better looking' because if that's all it takes to get their attention, I have no interest in them...
Ms Ann Thrope said:
I smile more. I show interest in their life and what they enjoy. If I'm attracted to them, it's because we share interests, so conversation is easy and unforced. I don't change my usual attire to something I think might make me 'sexier' or 'better looking' because if that's all it takes to get their attention, I have no interest in them...
but you do show them a little more attention then. they may notice, just like green freak. it seems to me that looking nice is a good ego boost and a little self confidence is always attractive. i doubt these men have gone 'ooh, is that a prada purse...you sexy devil' but they may have noticed a spring in gf's step...you know?
but 'attention' is not the same as coloring your hair, painting your nails and wearing hip clothing... I agree with you, though, that some men AND women gain self-confidence when they feel they look good...and a confident person is an attractive one...
gf, YES! you know you got it, flaunt it now! I wouldn't go so far as to use it to get what i want...but if it comes i'm not about to turn it down.
BCD, in case you haven't seen my HWC picture, I'm nowhere near petite. I wouldn't say I'm overly fat either, but I've got what I call an "enhanced hourglass" goin on. :) Add that to being 5'10", I have a problem finding clothes that fit and look good. Regular sizes just don't fit--too tight in the hips or thighs, legs are too short, whatever. But the plus size section is just too big, I swim in those clothes.

So for a long time, I would go looking for clothes, find nothing that fit and feel bad about myself. I just stopped going, knowing what was going to happen and not put myself through it.

In the meantime, my job description was changed too. I was no longer running around traveling to all our sites, on my feet all day. I still get dirty but not anything too bad. So nice "delicate" clothes weren't ruled out anymore.

Then I found this one store that had clothes that FIT. I went crazy. I never spent so much money on clothes at one time but I figured I better get what I can while I can. I've been back twice since and gotten more.

I can't begin to explain how much something like looking good can change your outlook. So I'm liking my new duds and figure it's time to take it further. I needed a haircut anyway and I wasn't expecting much. I just told them to do one small thing differently but never knew how good it could look. I forced myself to wear it down the first day at work which is totally unlike me. And that was it, I was hooked.

It was just a snowball effect, that's all. One small thing like finding clothes that fit became all this. :shrug:
Ms Ann Thrope said:
gee, am I the only female here who finds this deeply depressing? :(

I know what you mean. But I look at it from their point of view. I understand why they do this just as why they can't help but glance at a woman's figure. It's ingrained, almost unconcious. Unfair to get more attention if they think you look better? Maybe.

I respond to character and people who are honest and work hard. The guys I'm thinking of that are paying more attention already fit the bill and already treat me with respect. They are among very few people that I enjoy the company of at my job and have always known I can count on if I need to. So maybe this new attention is just a new facet to an already good working relationship?

As far as a spring in my step or a newfound confidence, you could be right. I'm not one to lack confidence when it comes to my job but if I've had that all along... and the new confidence was due to my appearance... would it be so wrong for them to respond to the new confidence in addition to the old?

Either way, I'm enjoying myself. :) Don't worry Les, I'm flaunting. :D
You found confidence more than you found new clothes....we should all be so lucky.

You depressed people take a hint from her and move on. Stop wasting time being down and find your holy grail.

(disclaimer: I didn't mean to say GF was depressed in the first place or ever was...just using her fortune as an example)