Woo Hoo! I'm surfing with Konquerer

Aunty Em

Well-Known Member
Well I don't know what you call this except beginners luck, but I actually got my modem to work in Mandrake Linux, but boy does this site look strange in Konquerer! :)
Professur said:

hey aunty, this should take a screenshot for you if you have the imagemagik package installed

sleep 5 && import -window root -display :0 test.png
waits 5 sec and takes shot

otherwise gnome and probably kde have nifty builtin buttons that do it for you
tommyj27 said:
Professur said:

hey aunty, this should take a screenshot for you if you have the imagemagik package installed

sleep 5 && import -window root -display :0 test.png
waits 5 sec and takes shot

otherwise gnome and probably kde have nifty builtin buttons that do it for you

I'm using the KDE desktop - it looks the prettiest... :lol:

I just installed the packages that I wanted, but none of the servers for the moment - I will probably end up taking loads of stuff off it. I may well reinstall it once I've got the hang of it. I don't intend to do much surfing with it until I'm totally clued up about all the security issues, etc. Finding the driver that would work with my modem was just a process of elimination - I just tried the most likely ones and found one that worked on the 4th go - just need to keep a note of it for future reference until I get my ethernet card that is.

I'm seriously considering installing XP on the second partition of my TBred also, to see how it works.
Yes, I know Gimp is in there somewhere, but I'm at work right now so I can't play... :(

I've used Mozilla in windows before and do prefer it. Netscape was my original browser as my IP at that time didn't support IE and it was integrated with their software. I know all about the different behaviours of webpages in different browsers. I did have IE, Netscape, Mozilla and Opera on my comp until recently. In fact I think they are still on ME.

I want to explore the multimedia side of things as well. Are there any P2P, mp3 and streaming media creation programs for Linux?
Aunty Em said:
I'm using the KDE desktop - it looks the prettiest
Me too.
Aunty Em said:
I want to explore the multimedia side of things as well. Are there any P2P, mp3 and streaming media creation programs for Linux?
Lots of them. Gnutella has a P2P for linux, I use mpg123 for mp3s, Xine For DVDs, and I haven't used one yet, but I know there are streaming media clients available, try this link.
Xine doesn't play encrypted dvds, you need to install a decss pluging.
A.B.Normal said:
Pretty good chance you have Gimp installed,really easy to take a screen capture with it .
i didn't know the GIMP had a feature for that, there is truth to the addage you learn something new every day.
Luis G said:
Xine doesn't play encrypted dvds, you need to install a decss pluging.
speaking of xine, does anyone know what video libraries, etc. you need for the video stream on dvds? i can play DVDs with mine but i only get the audio stream. :(
I'm in winders right now tommy, I'll look in a bit.

Edit--Unless, of course, someone less lazy or less hungry beats me to it.
Hey, unc put up another Calvin, so I thought, "What the hell, how about Cowlvin.":headbang:

I hesitate to admit this, but once, back in the dim reaches of antiquity, I had a hat like that.:anon: