Woopee... I got a case and...

Aunty Em

Well-Known Member
... all the rest of the stuff I need is on the way too so watch out world... :D

Yes it ended up being all new except for the graphics and sound cards. I sent for a Maxtor Diamondmax +8 40GB 7200 HDD as well since I saved enough on the case to be able to get one now. I should be up and running by next weekend.
Professur said:
Ohhh, I'm shaking.

:lol: I can't help it if I'm exited! Lets face it, there's nothing much else worth getting excited about in my life these days... :(

I want all the bits NOW! Beam them up scotty... :)
Well, I could, but they might reappear in split form, like Kirk did. And we all know how that turned out.
Oh well, I'll just have to be patient and wait till Friday or Saturday to have fun then I suppose... :(

I'll post a picture when it's done. :)
Well? Where's the link to the case? Is it one of them fancy schmancy colored ( I can say colored right?) cases with the slide out tray & glass side & disco lights?
Gonz said:
Well? Where's the link to the case? Is it one of them fancy schmancy colored ( I can say colored right?) cases with the slide out tray & glass side & disco lights?

My camera's out of batteries so you'll have to wait till it's done. All I will say is that it's black has a side window, top blow hole, blue led lights, all new round cables and may have a window etching ~ if I can decide which one to get. :D

My HDD arrived this morning - it took about 2 minutes to partition and format with Maxblast 3 - I just LOVE Maxtor. :D

My window etch also arrived so I applied it and prepared the case with the new backplate, psu etc. It's a great little case, it only has one thumbscrew to undo and screwless PCI slots, plus the roms are covered with a front facia. I just wish the rest of the stuff would hurry up and come...