Worn Out........drop dead tired....


New Member
7 job applications today and 2 job interviews-just plain beat.
Gots to get me a J O B..... miss being around grown-ups and civilization-in the boonies here... :lol2:
Good luck Mare! I know you will find something good soon enough - we will be thinking about you! :)
Pain is weakness leaving the body. Remember that during those long days, m'dear.

Best of luck to you! :hug::winkkiss:
Good luck sweetie!

I understand the drop dead tired. I have two jobs now, my daughter and lots of hobbies and trying to get ready for the holidays as I make a lot of my gifts.
PrincessLissa said:
Good luck sweetie!

I understand the drop dead tired. I have two jobs now, my daughter and lots of hobbies and trying to get ready for the holidays as I make a lot of my gifts.

What kind of stuff do you make?
PrincessLissa said:
Good luck sweetie!

I understand the drop dead tired. I have two jobs now, my daughter and lots of hobbies and trying to get ready for the holidays as I make a lot of my gifts.
Yep, getting ready for the holiday's here too-Sheww cutting it close this year-BUT-getting it done.

Damn, I'm proud of myself. I Can and Will beat this trial in life.
Hang Tuff PrincessLissa-YOU can do it too! :winkkiss:
WORK WORK WORK- thats all these ppl do in FL- need to get me a better job-this one makes some $$$ for me - but miss the jersey tips in waitressing..... :D grin and bare it -guess...... :lloyd: