Would you buy your teenage daughter

Unless things change drastically, I'll always know.

Last night, she was in the shower (she always showers with the door open) when V3.0 need a pee. Well, he looked around the shower curtain at her, and she shrieked "You pervert!!!" at him. Well, as he can running up the stairs, I did note that she still didn't close the door.
Professur said:
Unless things change drastically, I'll always know.

Last night, she was in the shower (she always showers with the door open) when V3.0 need a pee. Well, he looked around the shower curtain at her, and she shrieked "You pervert!!!" at him. Well, as he can running up the stairs, I did note that she still didn't close the door.

Well, if you don't know she owns the underwear you won't know. But yes, if she remains so open you will know. All I was saying was that if freako thinks he'll beable to control what underwear his teenage daughter wears til she's 16 he's mistaken. If she has cash and she wants underwear there are ways for her to have it and for him to never be any the wiser...

You are lucky in that you have a very close bond with your daughter.
Prof said:
Can't put him in the crib in case he decided to climb out in the middle of the night, in the dark. This way, he has to crawl over his mum to get anywhere
Sooner than later he'll figure out that if he goes straight down the bed noone'll be the wiser. :lol:
The other rooms have ceiling fans. Although, I suppose you could hook him to that, and set it on low. But if his diaper leaked ..... it would take days to clean up the mess.
tonksy said:
What if one of them gets lopped of in a bizarre gardening accident?

Well, obviously, I thought it stood to reason that medically advised cosmetic surgery fell into another catagory:p
Slim Pickens said:
Well, obviously, I thought it stood to reason that medically advised cosmetic surgery fell into another catagory:p

Yeah, Doc. I've was circumcised as a baby, and I'm convinced the doc slipped and cut off some. Wanna add back the 9 inches please?